
Enhancing the LocalStorage API for Real-World Scenarios

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Enhancing the LocalStorage API for Real-World Scenarios

HTML5 LocalStorage / SessionStorage provides the basics for storing permanant or temporary arbitrary data in a key:value store in the browser.

However when you're looking to implement something "real" with it you soon realize that there are a few things you wish were available in the API/implementation.

  • Namespacing to ensure that the various projects / applications you deploy on a domain don't collide with each other and potentially munge each other's data
  • Some mechanism to track the arbitrary keys used to store values (e.g. so that you can inspect and/or clean up values no longer needed)
  • Some option to cache the values being stored in the storage so that you don't need to re-fetch (and re-parse) them
  • Especially during development, provide an easy way to remove a namespace... but not anything else stored by the current domain (e.g. localhost)
  • A method to "encrypt" and "decrypt" the data being stored [2]

#Current API

Map: getKeys(String: namespace) - Returns a map of all of the keys stored for the given namespace.

Variant: getItem(String: namespace, String: key) - Returns the value stored for the applicable key (from the cache if populated) for the given namespace

Void: setItem(String: namespace, String: key, Variant: value) - Sets the value in localStorage (and in the cache) for the given namespace

Void: removeItem(String: namespace, String: key) - Removes the key/value from localStorage (and the cache) for the given namespace

Void: removeNamespace(String: namespace) - Completely removes all keys/values from localStorage (and the cache) for the given namespace

[2]: Still on the TODO list. This will of course not be "real" encryption, but rather plugable obfuscation