
Ivory is a fairly simple programming language built using python. Although Ivory is quite slow, it is very simplistic in many ways making for a much easier programming experience.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

A Short Summary

Ivory is a unique programming language made in part with the intent of making programming less complicated, some things are very odd because ivory is not made traditionally but if you take the time to learn it, so long as you have an understanding of python you should find that almost anything is possible with the combination of the two

Using Ivory

One of the ways that you can run your Ivory program is to use the run command. Here is an example:

py ivory.py run main.iv

This will run a file named "main.iv" but if you wanted to run it in linux it would look like this:

python3 ivory.py run main.iv

Using a Function

in ivory, there is no need for parenthesis; for example, here is how you would run hello world

print " hello world "

all functions are used with quotes, please note the spaces between the quotation marks and the words, this is because the ivory interpreter seperates each instruction by whitespace


in most programming languages you just write your sequence of code under an if statement or loop or wherever you need it, in ivory you will need to declare your sequence beforehand and then use it when needed. Here is an example of how you could do this:

sequence say_hi {
print " hello there "
print " how are you? "
sequence.use say_hi


hello there
how are you?


When you want to make a variable in ivory, you will do so with the "var" keyword. Here is an example

var truth = " Tom is a genius " 

This seems pretty simple but leads into something really cool about ivory. In ivory there are no types at all unless you are writting direct python code inside of ivory, so even if you tried to add a string and an integer ivory would just assume that the string was meant to be an integer and if for some reason it didn't work then it would raise an error


When you're programming, you need a way to combine strings and variables. In ivory the method of doing so is to use something called a v-string, similar to an f-string in python. Here's how a v-string might be used:

var name = input " please enter your name here: "
print v" Hello there %{ name } "


please enter your name here:Bob
Hello there Bob

although v-strings can be used with the print function, this is actually the only time that will work. but if you want to use a v-string with a different function you can still do so by creating a variable with a v-string and then passing the variable as a parameter of the function. Here's what that might look like:

var name = " Tom "
var combined_string = v" %{ name } is a genius "
var result = split combined_string
print result 


['Tom', 'is', 'a', 'genius']

(the split function splits a string into a list of all the words seperated by whitespace in the string)

Here is how you wouldn't want to do that:

var name = " Tom "
var result = split v" %{ name } is a genius "
print result


ERROR: UNDEFINED VARIABLE | LINE: 2 | Could not find "v"" 

This happens because Ivory does not accept v-strings inside of normal functions and so it tries to find a variable named v" since that is the next "word" in the line.


When you're trying to do math, you will have to use the math function. Here's an example:

var result = math " 1 " + " 2 "
print result



If you've ever written in any other programming language at all you probably have one question. "Why are the strings added together?" This is because in Ivory there are really no types, strings and numbers are not different from each other, the only difference is between float numbers and int numbers. When you use the math function ivory will just try to add the two strings as integers and if it doesn't work it will raise an error. Here are some more math examples: Example 1:

var result = math " 124 " - " 43 "
print result



Example 2:

var result = math " 10 " * " 4 "
print result



Example 3:

var result = math_float " 10 " * " 3.4 "
print result



The point of the "math_float" function is to execute math that requires float numbers as input.

The math function works with the following operations (+, -, *, /, %, **, //)


If you are trying to create a function, you can do so with the function keyword. Here is how you would do that:

function cool_func [ parameter ] var result = v" the parameter is: %{ parameter } " ; return result ;
var test = cool_func " interesting parameter "
print test


the parameter is: interesting parameter

This might look weird and that's because Ivory is just weird. If you write a function all of the code for the function must be written in one line which is why everything is all written with the function and lines are seperated by semi-colons.

If you want to write your code one on one line you can do so by making your only line in the function a sequence.use and using a sequence. The only problem with this solution is that you will still have write your line for returning on the next line. Here is a simple way to do that:

sequence cool_math_thing {
var num2 = math number * " 10 "
var result = math number + num2
function cool_math_thing [ number ] sequence.use cool_math_thing ; return result ;
var end_result = cool_math_thing " 5 "
print end_result



This works because all variables created in ivory are completely global and don't have any scope.

How to use "..." parameters/infinite parameters with functions:

function testing [ ... ] for x in ... {{ print x }} ;

NOTE: the use of "..." is intentional, ... allows ivory to know that you are allowing for a variable amount of parameters, each entered parameter will be added to the list under the variable name "..." and you will be able to iterate through each item in the list


While Loops

In programming it is essential to be able to write loops. One of the best loops in programming is the while loop, here is an example of a simple while loop in Ivory:

var list = table { " this is a value " " this is another value " " this is the third value " " this value is labeled 3 " " this is the last value " }
var pointer = " 0 "
var continue == " do "
var currentval = table_value list pointer

sequence main {
if currentval == " this value is labeled 3 " {{ var continue = " dont " }}  
print v" %{ pointer } : %{ currentval } " 
var pointer = math pointer + " 1 "
var currentval = table_value list pointer

while continue == " do " {{ sequence.use main }}


0 : this is a value
1 : this is another value
2 : this is the third value
3 : this value is labeled 3

Here is a much more simple example on how to use a while loop:

var num = " 0 " 
sequence main {
print num 
var num = math num + " 1 "
while num < " 10 " {{ sequence.use main }}



For Loops

One of the most important parts of programming is the for loop, it makes it very easy to loop through something a specific amount of times, the method in Ivory is inspired by languages like python and ruby. Here is an example of a for loop in Ivory.

var range = range " 0 " " 5 "
print range
for x in range {{ print x }}


[0, 1, 2, 3, 4]

The range function makes a list of all numbers in the range listed and a for loop iterates through every value in the list provided.


Threading Module

Here is an example of how to use the threading module

import threading
import time
var x = " 0 "
sequence inthread {
var x = math x + " 1 "
print x
time_sleep " 1 "
sequence thread {
while running == " true " {{ sequence.use inthread }}
var running = " true "
run_thread " thread "
var example = input " type q to quit "
if example == " q " {{ var running = " false " }}