
UNMAINTAINED docker files for veriblock

Primary LanguageDockerfile



VeriBlock distributables with Docker

Add Oracle JDK

Nodecore does not work with OpenJDK anymore, so you need to create an account on Docker Hub and checkout Oracle JDK docker image.

After going through the free checkout process, login to your docker account if you are not already:

docker login

Preliminary checks

Check if there is no new version of nodecore. If yes, adjust the VERSION variable in *.Dockerfile.

If you are not running on Linux, make sure your docker virtual machine has enough RAM (I recommend 4GB+), otherwise the blockchain won't synchronize.


# Start nodecore in the background
docker-compose up -d nodecore

# Look at nodecore's logs and wait for it to initialize
docker-compose logs -f nodecore

# Start the mining pool

# Start miner
CORES=4 ADDR=V5M3q2hmj7RwSEM8r7otNJkNw9JW1Q docker-compose up -d nodecore-pow