
Development environment setup

Primary LanguageShell


Development environment setup

Prerequist installation

  • Homebrew: http://brew.sh/

    /usr/bin/ruby -e "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/master/install)"

Key generation

  • To generate a key, use these commands
    • RSA 2048
      ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 2048 -C "`whoami`@`hostname` `date +%F`" -f <filename>
    • ECDSA 256
      ssh-keygen -t ecdsa -b 256 -C "`whoami`@`hostname` `date +%F`" -f <filename>

Working with Lastpass

  • Install lastpass-cli

    brew install lastpass-cli
  • Add key

    • RSA
    printf "Bit Strength:2048\nFormat:rsa\nPrivate Key:`cat <file>`\nPublic Key:`cat <file>.pub`\nDate:MM,dd,yyyy\n" | lpass add --non-interactive --note-type=ssh-key --sync=now "SSH/<file>"
    • ECDSA
    printf "Bit Strength:256\nFormat:ecdsa\nPrivate Key:`cat <file>`\nPublic Key:`cat <file>.pub`\nDate:MM,dd,yyyy\n" | lpass add --non-interactive --note-type=ssh-key --sync=now "SSH/<file>"
  • Fetch public key

    lpass show --field="Public Key" <name>
  • Fetch private key into ssh-add

    lpass show --field="Private Key" <name> | ssh-add -

Setup environmnet

  • Clone this repository
  • In repository home, run ./setup.sh

Sync IDE config

  • Use https://github.com/scw1109/idea-settings.git in IntelliJ IDEA to sync config.

Other things to setup


Hosted services