
Flatpak package for ReText


ReText is a simple but powerful text editor for Markdown and reStructuredText.

retext-flatpak screenshot


This repo is about the flatpak package.



For EL7:

# yum install 'flatpak' 'flatpak-builder'

You may also wish to install the xdg-desktop-portal* packages:

# yum install 'xdg-desktop-portal*'

See also:

Adding repository

$ flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists "flathub" "https://dl.flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo"

See also:


$ flatpak --user install "flathub" "org.kde.Sdk//5.11"
$ flatpak --user install "flathub" "org.kde.Platform//5.11"

Clone this repository, then checkout the right branch.

$ flatpak --user install "flathub" "io.qt.qtwebkit.BaseApp//5.11"


$ flatpak-builder "build" "me.mitya57.ReText.yaml" --force-clean --install-deps-from="flathub"


$ flatpak-builder --run "build" "me.mitya57.ReText.yaml" "sh"

Create repo

$ flatpak-builder --repo="repo" --force-clean "build" "me.mitya57.ReText.yaml"


$ flatpak --user remote-add --no-gpg-verify "retext" "repo"
$ flatpak --user install "retext" "me.mitya57.ReText"


$ flatpak --user run "me.mitya57.ReText"


$ flatpak --user uninstall "me.mitya57.ReText"
$ flatpak --user remote-delete "retext"

Build single-file bundle

$ flatpak build-bundle "repo" "retext.flatpak" "me.mitya57.ReText" --runtime-repo="https://flathub.org/repo/flathub.flatpakrepo"

Install single-file bundle

If you have already installed the package, you have to uninstall it before continuing.

$ flatpak --user install "retext.flatpak"

See also:


Does flatpak-ed ReText run as superuser?

No. It is a MATE/marco issue.

Why not a RPM package?

This is not always possible. For example, for EL7:

  • Main repo does not provide the python3 package. However, there is a python34 in EPEL7.
  • System (main repo + EPEL) does not provide following packages: python3-enchant, python3-docutils, python3-textile, python3-markups. However, it is possible to rebuild them for EPEL7.
  • System does not provide the python3-qt5 package.
  • python3-qt5 package depends on python3-sip package. The sip package is available in EL7, but without python3 support.
  • python-qt5 requires sip >= 4.18, but EL7 provides only 4.14.6 version. The sip package in EL7 has not been updated since the system was released (in 2014).

Update: python3 is now part of the main repo, and EPEL7 provides the python36-qt5 package. Moreover, there is python36-docutils in EPEL7. However, you still have to provide python3-enchant, python3-markups and python3-textile on your own. But what's worse, python36-markdown from EPEL7 is too old to satisfy the program requirements.

How to create module manifest for a PIP package?

You can use Flatpak PIP Generator from Flatpak Builder Tools repository.

Please remember to enable rh-python36 on EL7.

scl enable rh-python36 bash

Update: python3 is now part of the main repo.

Are you the author of ReText?

No, I only created the flatpak package for it.

See also: