
a crappy timetracker

Primary LanguageGo


This is gonna be some kind of timetracking software, written in Go, Revel and using Postgres.

It’s my first Go project, I have no idea what I’m doing, and I guess it shows. But it’s working.

Don’t run this code, don’t fork it, don’t use it in production. It’s less than Alpha.

How to install

Didn’t you listen? Don’t run this!

Okay, whatever. You need Postgres running with a doohan user (password doohan) who is the owner of a doohan database. Then:

go get github.com/revel/cmd/revel bitbucket.org/liamstask/goose/cmd/goose
goose up
revel run github.com/scy/doohan

Call http://localhost:9000/ to see a list of timetracking entries. To insert them, POST to http://localhost:9000/add and supply a description parameter, like:

curl -v -d description='trying to get Doohan to work' http://localhost:9000/add

Database stability

Extra special warning: Yes, Doohan has Goose to be able to upgrade database layouts. But: During development, I won’t create migration files for every single poop that I’m doing. Instead, I’ll be updating the “Initial” file until I think it’s stable enough. Don’t insert production data. Really.