This is a work in progress. No pull requests yet, please, and don’t depend on this code for anything. The documentation is also severely lacking. This will be fixed.
The goal of this project is to build a custom particulate sensor to alert me when someone is smoking below my balcony.
In my setup, I’m using these pins:
- 12: input, pull down; connected to a reed switch to sense whether the balcony door is open or closed
- 13: set to be permanently high (heh); provides 3.3V for sensing whether the door is closed
- BitBastelei #232 using the sensor with custom low-level code (in German)
- alexmrqt/micropython-sds011 is a simple MicroPython library to talk to the SDS011 sensor
- gitlab:frankrich/sds011_particle_sensor, a Python 3 library with advanced features like work cycles, but not the most beautiful code
- ssube/prometheus_express, a MicroPython compatible Prometheus client library (but it apparently doesn’t provide timestamps)