
Wrapper over Uber Zap

Primary LanguageGo


This is a wrapper over Uber zap library that replaces the sugared logger.


  • Syslog integration
  • Automatic stacktraces for errors
  • Context aware tracing ID
  • Easy to use
  • Fast!


logger, err := log.NewProduction(log.Config{
	Mode:  log.SyslogMode,
	Level: zapcore.InfoLevel,
	Encoding: log.JSONEncoding,
if err != nil {
logger.Info(ctx, "Could not connect to database",
	"sleep", 5*time.Second,
	"error", errors.New("I/O error"),
logger.Named("sub").Error(ctx, "Unexpected error", "error", errors.New("unexpected"))


Benchmark results of running against zap and zap sugared loggers on Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-7500U CPU @ 2.70GHz.

BenchmarkZap-4                   2000000               978 ns/op             256 B/op          1 allocs/op
BenchmarkZapSugared-4            1000000              1353 ns/op             528 B/op          2 allocs/op
BenchmarkLogger-4                1000000              1167 ns/op             256 B/op          1 allocs/op