
Useful scripts for raspi

Primary LanguagePython

Useful scripts for raspberry pi.


Use GPIO.13 (BCM) for fan control. Run when CPU temp is above 45°C and stop when below 40°C. The current of raspberry pi pins is not enough for powering the fan so a triode is used to amplify the current.


Use GPIO.19 for shutdown & reboot button, use GPIO.26 for LED indicator. Press the button and the script will countdown from 10 before reboot. Press again to switch between reboot/shutdown/cancel mode.

Mode LED
reboot blink
shutdown on
cancel off



Add execute permission

chmod 775 fan.py

Run at background

nohup ./fan.py &


Find the PID of the process

ps auxf | grep fan.py

End the process

kill PID

Run at startup

Open the rc.local file

sudo nano /etc/rc.local

Add the following two lines:

python /home/pi/scripts/shutdown.py &
python /home/pi/scripts/fan.py &

Save and exit.


https://shumeipai.nxez.com/2017/07/13/raspberry-pi-to-achieve-temperature-monitoring-and-control-fan-cooling.html https://shumeipai.nxez.com/2014/09/01/add-raspberry-pi-sent-to-reboot-off-button.html