Configuration files for Windows, used as a bare repository in $env:USERPROFILE
See and for more info.
git init --bare .dotgit
function dotgit {
git.exe --git-dir=${env:USERPROFILE}/.cfg --work-tree=${env:USERPROFILE} $args
dotgit add .\somefile
dotgit commit -m "A demo file"
dotgit status
Some needed commands to update submodules. For more info see
function dotgit {
git.exe --git-dir=${env:USERPROFILE}/.cfg --work-tree=${env:USERPROFILE} $args
Initialize and populate them
dotgit submodules update --init --recursive
Save submodule settinghs to local git repository and to an update from the remote.
dotgit submodule sync --recursive
dotgit submodule update --remote --rebase --recursive
Do a checkout for the correct branch. If there is no branch specified in .gitmodules, master will be checked out.
dotgit submodule foreach --recursive 'git checkout $(git config -f $toplevel/.gitmodules submodule.$name.branch || echo master)'