This is your new Play application

This file will be packaged with your application, when using `play dist`.

Lesson 2:

Lesson 2: Parts of an application

Product catalogue
Features we will support:
         1.Users will be able to browse a list of products, as well as add new ones.

Let's look at each directory at low level
We’ll have a closer look at each of the top level directories. The directory app
is the most important one, but we’ll skip that for now, and talk about the others

The directory is the build process’ working directory. This is where your target
compiled classes are stored, among other things. Just be sure to never commit it in
your versioning system. Actually, if you’re using git as your versioning system,
you probably won’t: Play also generated a .gitignore file for you, making sure you
never commit files that are generated at runtime.

Let's discuss about conf file:
1. Configurations for play applications:

     application.conf : The file contains configuration about your Play
     application. This is where you’ll configure things like logging, database
     connections, which port the server runs on, and more

     The application configuration file is loaded at startup time, and is globally

            Every line it the file defines a single route. Let’s focus on the first routes
            route, we’ll explain what the second route does in section X.
            Any route consist of 3 parts: the HTTP , the and the method path action method,
            as illustrated in figure 2.1

     Note about HTTP methods:
               There’s a lot of documentation to be found about the HTTP protocol and its methods, and what they imply
              The method of a HTTP request signifies the purpose of your request:
              whether you want to retrieve a resource from the server, or post
              information to it, for example. There are a number of different methods
              defined in the HTTP specification, and some extensions to the protocol
              add even more, but the two most-used methods in the HTTP standard
              are and .

                GET is a retrieval request for a resource and contains no body,
                although the URL used may contain parameters (everything that comes
                after the ). It is important that a GET request may have any ? never
                lasting effects on the server; every time you GET a URL should have
                the same effect
                 The fancy word for this is idempotence. The most
                important thing to remember is that you should only use it for
                information , not for submission of data.

                    The POST method, on the other hand, is a request for data submission,
                    and may contain a body. It is still directed at a URL, but a POST
                    request has effects server-side. A POST request is often used for forms
                    that create or modify information. This is why your browser will likely
                    warn you when you reload a URL that you just POSTed to before.
                    There are more methods in the HTTP standard, such as PUT and
                    DELETE, but we’ll talk about those when we’re discussing HTTP APIs.

    The routes file is very important to any Play application.
    Play gives you full control over your URL schema, you can design
    clean, human readable, bookmarkable URLs.

  project directory:
    Of these files, you’ll only deal with Build.scala. Both plugins.sbt and are SBT configuration files, which is
    configured just fine as it is.
    Talk about dependency management

 Public assets:
    Public assets are usually support files that are not actually your application.
    Things like images, stylesheets, JavaScript files and static HTML pages are all
    public assets. Public assets are not generated by you application, they’re just served
    to the client.

    As you can maybe guess from its contents and its name, the directory public
    contains resources that are served directly, without any processing. This is actually
    what the second route we saw in section 2.3 does: it makes the contents of this
    directory available as public assets; files that are available to the client directly.
    # Map static resources from the /public folder to the /assets URL path
    GET /assets/*file"/public", file)

    If you’re interested in pre-processing certain files, such as Less stylesheets,
    CofeeScript files or JavaScript files, be sure to read section 2.6.1 about compiled
    assets. But first, let’s move on to the the directory.

app directory:
    There is one file,, that contains Java code
    implementing the business logic for generating the webpage. Classes that take a
    HTTP request, run some logic on it, and return a HTTP result are called controller
    classes, which explains why they’re in the controllers folder.

    There are two files, template index.scala.html and
    main.scala.html, which are responsible for defining the HTML page. Any
    content that’s generated on the server and sent to the client in a HTTP body, such
    as a HTML page, is called a , therefore, the files are in the folder.

    The template files contain a template in Play’s Scala template syntax. An
    important aspect of Scala templates is that they’re actually compiled to regular
    classes. This has all sorts of advantages, the most important of which are
    compile-time syntax and type checking.

    Another thing that’s important to note about the directory is that it’s app
    actually the root for all your source code, meaning that any subfolder will
    automatically have to be a package, just like with any regular Java project