Secure and efficient cryptography library for Android. (Auto fix SecureRandom bugs in API 18 and below.)
Note: EasyCrypt uses only secure implementations and all the known Crypto bugs are already dealt with properly. More information here.
- AES-256 encryption algorithm
- CBC/CTR mode of operations
- Block padding with PKCS7 (only with CBC)
- Computationally secure random salt (of cipher block size)
- Password stretching with PBKDF2
- Random IV generated on each encryption (16 bytes)
- Supports MD5, SHA1, and SHA2 hash functions
- Generate secure keys with SecureRandom or
- Asymmetric encryption with RSA
- Auto handle large data by using hybrid asymmetric encryption
- Asymmetric RSA signing and verification
- Supported RSA key sizes are 2048 bits and 4096 bits
- Password analysis for strength, crack times, weakness, etc using nulab's zxcvbn4j library
Download the sample app from play store.
Add in your app's build.gradle
dependencies {
implementation "com.pvryan.easycrypt:easycrypt:1.3.3"
val eCryptSymmetric = ECSymmetric()
val eCryptAsymmetric = ECAsymmetric()
val eCryptHash = ECHash()
val eCryptPass = ECPasswords()
eCryptSymmetric.encrypt (input, password,
object : ECResultListener {
// Optional
override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {
override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {
override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {
outputFile // Optional
eCryptSymmetric.decrypt(input, password,
object : ECResultListener {
// Optional
override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {
override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {
override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {
outputFile // Optional
eCryptAsymmetric.generateKeyPair(object : ECRSAKeyPairListener {
override fun onSuccess(keyPair: KeyPair) {
privateKey = keyPair.private as RSAPrivateKey // Save private key
eCryptAsymmetric.encrypt(input, keyPair.public as RSAPublicKey,
object : ECResultListener {
// Optional
override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {
override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {
override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {
outputFile // Optional
override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {
}, keySize = eCryptAsymmetric.KeySizes._4096)
eCryptAsymmetric.decrypt(input, privateKey,
object : ECResultListener {
// Optional
override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {
override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {
override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {
outputFile // Optional
eCryptKeys.genRSAKeyPair(object : ECRSAKeyPairListener {
override fun onGenerated(keyPair: KeyPair) {
publicKey = keyPair.public as RSAPublicKey
keyPair.private as RSAPrivateKey,
object : ECResultListener {
// Optional
override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {
override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {
override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {
override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {
eCryptAsymmetric.verify(input, publicKey, signatureFile,
object : ECVerifiedListener {
override fun onSuccess(verified: Boolean) {
override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {
eCryptHash.calculate(input, hashAlgorithm, // from ECHashAlgorithms
object : ECResultListener {
// Optional
override fun onProgress(newBytes: Int, bytesProcessed: Long, totalBytes: Long) {
override fun <T> onSuccess(result: T) {
override fun onFailure(message: String, e: Exception) {
outputFile // Optional
val analysis: ECPasswordAnalysis = ECPasswordAnalyzer.analyze("thisismypassword")
Input | Output |
File | outputFile |
FileInputStream | outputFile |
ByteArray | String or outputFile (if provided) |
ByteArrayInputStream | String or outputFile (if provided) |
String | String or outputFile (if provided) |
CharSequence | String or outputFile (if provided) |
Anything else | InvalidParameterException |
val password = eCryptPass.genSecureRandomPassword(length, charArrayOf(/*symbols to be used in password*/))
For sample to work enter your API key in FragmentPasswords
"random-org-api-key", //TODO: Replace with your api key
new ECPasswordListener() {
public void onFailure(@NonNull String message, @NonNull Exception e) {
public void onSuccess(@NonNull String password) {
Copyright 2018 Priyank Vasa
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.