Agent-Based Models for Assessing Complex Statistical Models: An Example Evaluating Selection and Social Influence Estimates from SIENA
Code and data to reproduce results.
- Authors: Sebastian Daza and L. Kurt Kreuger
- ISA: Influence Selection Agent-based Model
- SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
- Anylogic simulation file (.alp)
- All models can be run using the Personal Learning Edition (PLE) Anylogic Version.
- Data can be generated running the experiments defined in the Anylogic file. They used the same random seed to create replicates.
- R Code used to process the data generated in Anylogic.
- RData files are data.table objects containing the data generated using Anylogic. The data tables are:
: behavior datad
: distance between agentsn
: network datap
: experimental info