
Primary LanguageJavaScript



You could just install this repo as a bower component and include the files from it.

  1. Include igv.js and igv.scss in your project. (Requires jQuery.)
  2. Set data-igv-* attributes on one or more DIVs (see below).
  3. Call IGV.run() whenever you're ready for it to enhance the elements.

Data attributes

  • data-igv="foo"required – sets the video name, used for loading files (foo.mp4, foo.webm, etc.)
  • data-igv-loop – optional – makes this an auto-playing, looping video, which will be paused whenever the element is no longer in view.
  • data-igv-scrollelement=".some-class" – optional, only for use in conjunction with data-igv-loop – this sets the video's closest ancestor that matches the given selector as the element whose scroll position will be tracked (for auto-pausing purposes).
  • data-igv-playbutton – adds a play button
  • data-igv-subtitles – IGV will load a subs file too (foo.srt), and load a special version for iOS which has hardcoded subs (foo.subs.mp4).

JavaScript API

IGV.debug = true; // to see debug info
IGV.visibilityThreshold = 50; // default=100
IGV.enableLoopingVideos = false; // eg, if (!Modernizr.videodesktop)

// Set video defaults for 
var defaults = {
  baseURL: '//interactivegraphics.ft-static.com/sites/2013/seasonal-appeal/videos/'

IGV.run(defaults, function () {
  // videos have now been set up


The IGV element has these classes added automatically: igv, igv--playing, igv--paused