
Code behind Psy-High websites, powered by Middleman.

Primary LanguageCSS

Website for Psy-High 2017



  • Ruby 2.4+
  • Bundler
  • lftp (for deployment)


Run bundle.

Development Server

Run middleman. The server should start on localhost:4567 with Czech locale as default. English version is available in the en subfolder, i.e. localhost:4567/en.


Run middleman build to generate development build.

Set BUILD_LANG environment variable either to cs or en to generate actual build for Czech or English version respectively, e.g.:

BUILD_LANG=en middleman build


Set the following environment variables:


Files are uploaded to /cz/2017 (Czech) or /eu/2017 (English) folders respectively.

Either Czech or English version is deployed, depending on BUILD_LANG environment variable, for example:

BUILD_LANG=en middleman deploy

will build and deploy English version. That means you actually need to run deploy twice to update both sites:

BUILD_LANG=en middleman deploy && BUILD_LANG=cs middleman deploy

LFTP Certificate Error

In case you get error like Fatal error: Certificate verification, disable lftp certificate verification, e.g.:

echo "set ssl:verify-certificate no" >> ~/.lftprc

Bands Data

There is lib/bands_data.rb script to generate YAML from the source CSV sheet. The results are stored in data/bands.yml.