I excluded some obvious things from this list, but if you see anything wrong or missing, please file an issue or make a PR π
π₯ - Strongly recommended
π - Recommend to watch
πͺ - Complicated library, which requires a lot of additional time to explore documentation and all features
πΉ - Video
No Hello - Don't say just hello in chat π·πΊ π₯
No Meta - Don't ask meta questions in chat π·πΊ π₯
VS Code shortcuts MacOS, VS Code shortcuts Windows, VS Code shortcuts Linux - VSCode shortcuts for making your work faster (Attention to sections: Rich languages editing, Multi-cursor and selection, Navigation) π₯
Emmet - Write your HTML/CSS faster with Emmet (built-in VSCode) π₯
Eslint/Prettier - Keep your code clean with Eslint, Prettier
Eslint+Prettier+Husky for TS - Eslint+Prettier+Husky for TypeScript project π₯
My config files - List of my config files for different tools (ESlint, prettier, etc) π
Image Optimizer - Optimize you assets! (png, jpg)
SVG Optimizer - Although optimize SVG!
Online Markdown Editor - Nice and convenient online Markdown editor
Box Shadow Generator - Box-shadow generator and also another css-tools
JSON Diff - JSON difference
- Better comments - π
- Bracket Pair Colorizer 2 - π
- Colorize
- Auto Complete Tag - π₯
- CSS/SCSS Modules
- Code Snap
- Highlight Tag
- Indent Rainbow
- IntelliSense for CSS class names in HTML
- Toggle Quotes - π
- VSCode icons pack
- ESLint - π₯
- Prettier - π₯
- JS/React Code Snippets - π₯
- VSCode Styled Components
- TODO Tree
- SVG Viewer - π
- Settings Sync - π₯
- Git Lens - π
- SASS Extension
- Apollo GraphQL
- WakaTime - π
- Live Share
HTML Reference , CSS Reference - Good reference books for HTML and CSS π·πΊ π₯
HTML/CSS courses - Short courses about basics of HTML/CSS π·πΊ π
Guide to Flexbox - A complete guide to flexbox by CSS Tricks π₯
Guide to grid - A complete guide to grid by CSS Tricks π₯
Grid basics πΉ - CSS Grid basics in 45 minutes by Wes Bos π₯
Playlist about CSS Grid πΉ - CSS grid on practise, use-cases by Wes Bos π₯
Learn Javascript - Learn βdocumentationβ about JS. You can find almost all needful information about JS here π·πΊ π₯ πͺ
Arrays methods - Good article about useful arrays methods, theire difference, etc π·πΊ π₯
EventLoop talk πΉ - Video about how EventLoop works by Jake Archibald π·πΊ π₯
EventLoop and tasks queues - Article about EventLoop, micro/macro tasks by Jake Archibald π₯
Utility JS-functions - List of utility-functions written on vanilla JS (have analogs from libs such as lodash, ramda) π₯
Lodash - Utility library with a lot of useful functions (Not recommending to use it now and suggesting to replace it by ES6 analogs)
Ramda - Utility functional library with a lot of useful functions
Fetch API - Fetch API
Axios - Axios π₯
WebStorage API - WebStorage API (localStorage, sessionStorage) by Flavio Copes
Cookies - Cookies by Flavio Copes
JWT - JSON WEB Token (JWT) by Flavio Copes
HTTP status-codes - List of HTTP status codes and their purposes π·πΊ π
Websockets - Websockets by Flavio Copes π
Chrome Devtools Introduction - Chrome Devtools Introduction by Flavio Copes
Chrome DevTools Tips - Chrome DevTools Tips by Flavio Copes
Cookies vs localStorage - cookies vs localStorage for storing JWT-token π
Observers in JavaScript - Observers in JavaScript. What and why we need them? π
Web Performance - Optimizing JS, CSS, HTTP, images & fonts π₯
Git Guide - The complete Git guide by Flavio Copes π
Git How To - Interactive Git course π·πΊ π₯
Git Cheatsheat - Git cheatsheat by Github π·πΊ π
Git Flight rules - FAQ for Git π·πΊ π
GitKraken - The best GUI git-client, with great documentation π₯
Component Lifecycle - Component Lifecycle diagramm π
SetState is async - Update your state wisely. For class-based π
Guide to useEffect - A complete guide to useEffect by Dan Abramov π
Thinking in hooks - Thinking in React Hooks by Amelia Wattenberger π₯
List of custom hooks - List of custom react hooks π₯
Library of custom hooks - Library of custom hooks π₯
React.memo, useMemo, useCallback πΉ - Good explanation of React.memo, useMemo, useCallback by Ben Awad π
Hooks FAQ - Answers on popular questions about hooks π
React Best Practices - Opinionated Software Design, Architecture & Best Practices in React by Alex Kondov π₯
Clsx - util-lib for dynamic classname changing. Lighter version of classnames
Fast Deep Compare - The fastest deep equal comparison for React. Very quick general-purpose deep comparison, too. Great for React.memo
and shouldComponentUpdate
React Hook Form - Awesome form-manager on hooks (has new approach rather than formik, react-final-form, redux-form) π₯ πͺ
React Select - Advanced select with multiselect, autocomplete, async and creatable support π₯ πͺ
Downshift - Autocomplete, combobox, dropdown (with more low-level API than in react-select) πͺ
React Table - Create complicated, extandable tables. Library provides API for logic, not UI part πͺ
React Query - Library for data-fetching (similar to Apollo client) π₯ πͺ
React Toastify - Library for pop-up notifications π
React-Redux-Toastr - Library for pop-up notifications (deep Redux integration)
React Input Mask - Input mask
React Number Format - Format number inside input. Also input mask π
React Datepicker - Simple datepicker
React DayPicker - Simple range datepicker
React Dates - List of datepickers from AirBnB (range, single datepickers)
React PDF - Create PDF in React
Nivo Rocks - Library for creating charts
Highcharts - Complex library-wrapper for creating complicated charts πͺ
React Window - Render large lists (virtualization) πͺ
React Content Loader - Preview loader for content (Skeleton)
React Grid Layout - A draggable and resizable grid layout πͺ
React Use - List of custom hooks combined into one package π
React Beautiful Dnd - Library for Drag and Drop
React Dnd - Library for Drag and Drop (with more low-level API than in react-beautiful-dnd) πͺ
React Admin - A Framework for building admin applications on Material UI π
React Ranger - range and multi-range sliders π
React Compound Slider - range and multi-range sliders #2 πͺ
Awesome React Links - A large collection of links for React ecosystem (included some links above) π₯ π βοΈ
Redux in real life - Basics about redux, redux thunk/saga π·πΊ π₯
Redux Saga - Redux-saga on practice. Comparison with redux-thunk π·πΊ π
Context API vs Stage Management - Talk about Context API vs State management aka Redux π·πΊ π
Computing derived data - Redux selectors. ReSelect π
Immutable updating store - Immutable update patterns. Immer, immutabilitty-helper π
Normalizing store - Normalizing state shape. Normalizr π
Redux Toolkit - Toolset for Redux, which reduces boilerplate code π₯
Redux Ecosystem - addons and libs around Redux
Redux Ecosystem Links - A large list of useful links with addons, modules, utilites for redux ecosystem π π βοΈ
Utility Types - Utility TS types. Record, Pick, Omit, Partial, Required, etc π₯
React+TS cheatsheet - React Typescript Cheatsheet, how to use TS with React properly π₯
Typescript Advanced πΉ - Typescript Advanced crash course by Vladilen Minin π
React+TS tutorial πΉ - React+TS tutorial by Ben Awad π
Types-safe React Hooks - Generating typed react hooks based on GraphQL schema using GraphQL code generator π₯
GraphQL Talks - A lot of useful info, articles, talks about GraphQL and ecosystem by Pavel Chertorogov π·πΊ π
Guide to testing React #1 - Full Guide to Testing JavaScript & React with Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress π₯
Guide to testing React #2 - Shortly about testing React πΊπ¦ π
Guide to testing React #3 - Testing React components with Jest/Enzyme, what and how πΊπ¦ π
Bulletproof NodeJS - Good NodeJS architecture. πΊπ¦ π₯ Original article link here
Node Best Practices - NodeJS latest best practices π₯
Authentication - Authentication. Session, tokens. Video reference
Http errors - Create HTTP errors easily π
Express Validator - Validate input data from request π₯
Swagger-UI Express - Generate Swagger documentation π
GraphQL Talks - A lot of useful info, articles, talks about GraphQL and ecosystem by Pavel Chertorogov π·πΊ π
GraphQL Schema Design - A set of tips/rules how to design GraphQL schema by Pavel Chertorogov π·πΊ π₯
TypeGraphQL - A framework for GraphQL API in Node.js. (Awesome combination with TypeORM) π₯
List of videos about TypeORM+TypeGraphQL stack by Ben Awad: π₯
TypeORM Playlist πΉ
TypeGraphQL Playlist πΉ
Fullstack tutorial πΉ
Mongoose - MongoDB ORM π
Mongoose plugins - Mongoose plugins (pagination, populate, etc) π
TypeORM - Great ORM used with TypeScript (supports MySQL / MariaDB / Postgres / SQLite / MongoDB) π₯