
Maven war overlay for CAS 4.1+ services management web application

Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0

CAS4 Services Management Web Application Maven overlay

Services mangement web application Maven overlay for CAS versions 4.1.0+ with externalized configuration.



Recommended Requirements

  • JDK 1.7+
  • Apache Maven 3+
  • Servlet container supporting Servlet 3+ spec (e.g. Apache Tomcat 7+)

Externalized Configuration

The etc directory contains the sample configuration files that would need to be copied to an external file system location (/etc/cas by default) and configured to satisfy local CAS installation needs. Current files are:

  • cas-management.properties
  • user-details.properties
  • services/ServicesManagementWebApplication-52497044623301.json

Note that the log4j2.xml config file is shared with cas web context and that file should be present already in /etc/cas directory.



  • Execute mvn clean package
  • Deploy resultant target/cas-services.war to a Servlet container of choice (next to a running cas server)


Access the server on https://localhost:8443/cas-services (replace localhost and port with whatever your local deployment configuration is) and start adding services definitions. Also note that the CAS server services registry MUST be JSON and pointing to the same external config location for services files as this application. That setting would be in /etc/cas/cas.properties and should look like this: service.registry.config.location=file:/etc/cas/services This same property is set in /etc/cas/cas-management.properties for this application.