
In this project I had to recode the printf function. I learned about variadic function and how to apply them.

Primary LanguageC

Ft_printf - 42Project   

Since libft is not enough

Variadic funtions are an amazing tool and i learned how to use them with these project. This project is very straigt forward and an excelent exercise to improve your programming skills.


int	ft_printf(const char *format, ...)

How to use it

Clone the repository

git clone https://github.com/sde-mull/Printf.git

Run the Makefile

make              //to compile all the files
make libft        //to compile the libft part only
make clean        //to remove all the object files
make fclean       //to remove all object files and the .a
make re           //to recompile all files

Run your program

in your file.c
#include "Printf/src/ft_printf.h"

then compile with
gcc file.c printf(libftprint.a

