
Annotates Flow Cytometry (FCS) files with experimental metadata. Includes an API endpoint for labelling files.

Primary LanguagePython


fcsannotate is a package for annotating FCS files with experimental metadata. It contains an API endpoint for annotating FCS files.

The endpoint currently labels the FCS file with the following keywords:

  • flow_cytometer: [name of the cytometer]

  • labeled_at: [timestamp generated at time of labelling]


To run server with the endpoint:

python fcsannotate/fcsannotate.py

PUT http://localhost/fcs_data/annotate/ [binary FCS file]

If successful, the endpoint returns a response with a status 200 and a labeled FCS file as a binary 
in the response body.

Otherwise, it returns a 404 (file missing in request) or 500 status code (most likely, due to error 
with FCS format).


Unit tests for annotating FCS files:

python fcsannotate/tests/test_annotate.py

Integration tests of annotation endpoint:

python fcsannotate/tests/test_annotate_endpoint.py


This package relies on Flask ('0.10.1) and was tested with Python: 2.7.1 (there were issues with fcsparser at Python 3.6.1 and Anaconda).

The package also uses the fork of fcsparser from https://github.com/NotableLabs/fcsparser (uses the write_file functionality).

I had to adjust a couple of imports in fcs_parser/__init__.py to make it work for me locally:

from ._version import version as __version__
from .api import parse


Please email me at sutee.dee@alumni.olin.edu with any questions.