class RenogySmartBattery(minimalmodbus.Instrument):
    def __init__(self, portname="/dev/ttyUSB0", slaveaddress=48, baudrate=9600, timeout=0.5):
        minimalmodbus.Instrument.__init__(self, portname, slaveaddress)
        self.serial.baudrate = baudrate
        self.serial.timeout = timeout

    def amps(self):
        r = self.read_register(5042)
        return r / 100.0 if r < 61440 else (r - 65535) / 100.0

    def volts(self):
        return self.read_register(5043) / 10.0

    def capacity(self):
        r = self.read_registers(5044, 2)
        return ( r[0] << 15 | (r[1] >> 1) ) * 0.002

    def max_capacity(self):
        r = self.read_registers(5046, 2)
        return ( r[0] << 15 | (r[1] >> 1) ) * 0.002

    def percentage(self):
        return self.capacity() / self.max_capacity() * 100

    def state(self):
        a = self.amps()
        if a < 0: return "DISCHARGING"
        elif a > 0: return "CHARGING"
        return "IDLE"

instrument = minimalmodbus.Instrument("/dev/ttyUSB0", 1)  # port name, slave address (in decimal)
instrument.serial.baudrate = 9600
instrument.serial.bytesize = 8
instrument.serial.parity = minimalmodbus.serial.PARITY_NONE
instrument.serial.stopbits = 2
instrument.serial.timeout  = 1
instrument.address = 1  # this is the slave address number
instrument.mode = minimalmodbus.MODE_RTU   # rtu or ascii mode
instrument.clear_buffers_before_each_transaction = True

# Temperature
#  The actual value has to be split, the highest bit of each is the +/- sign
temp = instrument.read_register(0x103)
if (temp & 0b1000000000000000) > 0 : # This is the positive/negative bit for the Controller Temperature
    tempControllerSign = "-"
else: tempControllerSign = ""
if (temp & 0b0000000010000000) > 0 : # This is the positive/negative bit for the Aux Battery Temperature
    tempAuxBattSign = "-"
else: tempAuxBattSign = ""
tempController = "{}{}".format(tempControllerSign, int(format(temp & 0b0111111100000000, '016b')[:8], 2)) # Strips the high byte to show Controller Temperature
tempAuxBatt = "{}{}".format(tempAuxBattSign, (temp & 0b0000000001111111)) # Low byte shows Aux Battery Temperature

# Charge State
#  If the bit is "1" then the value is True, comment is from the Renogy Docs
chargeState = instrument.read_register(0x120)
chargingNone = (chargeState & 0b0000000000000001) > 0 # 00H:no charging activated
chargingSolar = (chargeState & 0b0000000000000100) > 0 # 02H:mppt charging mode  (solar)
chargingEqualization = (chargeState & 0b0000000000001000) > 0 # 03H:Equallization charging stage  (solar/alternator)
chargingBoost = (chargeState & 0b0000000000010000) > 0 # 04H:Boost charging stage  (solar/alternator)
chargingFloat = (chargeState & 0b0000000000100000) > 0 # 05H:Float charging stage  (solar/alternator)
chargingLimited = (chargeState & 0b0000000001000000) > 0 # 06H:current-limited charging stage  (solar/alternator)
chargingAlt = (chargeState & 0b0000000010000000) > 0 # 08H:direct charging mode (alternator)

# Error Codes
#   If the bit is "1" then the string is added to the array, comment is from the Renogy Docs
errors = []
errorCodesLow = instrument.read_register(0x121)
if (errorCodesLow & 0b0000000000010000) > 0 : errors.append("CtrlOverTemp2") # b4:controller inside over temperature 2
if (errorCodesLow & 0b0000000000100000) > 0 : errors.append("AltInputOverCurrent") # b5:alternator input overcurrent
if (errorCodesLow & 0b0000000100000000) > 0 : errors.append("AltInputOverVoltProtection") # b8:alternator input over voltage protection
if (errorCodesLow & 0b0000001000000000) > 0 : errors.append("StarterBatteryReversePolarity") # b9:starter battery reverse polarity
if (errorCodesLow & 0b0000010000000000) > 0 : errors.append("BmsOverChargeProtection") # b10:BMS over charge protection
if (errorCodesLow & 0b0000100000000000) > 0 : errors.append("AuxLowTempProtection") # b11:auxilliary battery stopped taking charges because of low temperature (lithium battery:0°C, lead acid:-35°C)

errorCodesHigh = instrument.read_register(0x122)
if (errorCodesHigh & 0b0000000000000001) > 0 : errors.append("AuxBatteryOverDischarge") # B0:auxilliary battery over-discharged
if (errorCodesHigh & 0b0000000000000010) > 0 : errors.append("AuxBatteryOverVolt") # b1:auxilliary battery over voltage
if (errorCodesHigh & 0b0000000000000100) > 0 : errors.append("AuxBatteryUnderVolt") # B2:auxilliary battery under voltage warning
if (errorCodesHigh & 0b0000000000100000) > 0 : errors.append("ControllerOverTemp") # B5:controller inside temperature too high
if (errorCodesHigh & 0b0000000001000000) > 0 : errors.append("AuxBatteryOverTemp") # B6:auxilliary battery over temperature
if (errorCodesHigh & 0b0000000010000000) > 0 : errors.append("SolarInputTooHigh") # B7:solar input too high
if (errorCodesHigh & 0b0000001000000000) > 0 : errors.append("SolarInputOverVolt") # B9:solar input over voltage
if (errorCodesHigh & 0b0001000000000000) > 0 : errors.append("SolarReversePolarity") # B12:solar, reversed poliarity

payload = json.dumps({
	"device": instrument.read_string(0xc,8),
	"auxSoc": instrument.read_register(0x100), # Auxilliary battery State of charge
	"auxVoltage": instrument.read_register(0x101,1),
	"maxCharge": instrument.read_register(0x102,2), # combined charging current from solar+alternator to the auxilliary battery
	"controllerTemp": tempController,
	"auxTemp": tempAuxBatt,
	"altVoltage": instrument.read_register(0x104,1),
	"altAmps": instrument.read_register(0x105,2),
	"altWatts": instrument.read_register(0x106),
	"solVoltage": instrument.read_register(0x107,1),
	"solAmps": instrument.read_register(0x108,2),
	"solWatts": instrument.read_register(0x109),
	"lowDailyVolts": instrument.read_register(0x10b),
	"highDailyVolts": instrument.read_register(0x10c),
	"highDailyCurrent": instrument.read_register(0x10d), # solar+alternator
	"highDailyPower": instrument.read_register(0x10f), # solar+alternator
	"highAccumAh": instrument.read_register(0x111), # solar+alternator
	"dailyGeneratedPower": instrument.read_register(0x113), # solar+alternator
	"totalWorkingDays": instrument.read_register(0x115),
	"totalOverdischaredBattery": instrument.read_register(0x116),
	"totalChargedBattery": instrument.read_register(0x117),
	"timestamp": str(,
	"chargingNone": str(chargingNone),
	"chargingSolar": str(chargingSolar),
	"chargingEqualization": str(chargingEqualization),
	"chargingBoost": str(chargingBoost),
	"chargingFloat": str(chargingFloat),
	"chargingLimited": str(chargingLimited),
	"chargingAlt": str(chargingAlt),
	"errors": errors