A daily digest of the articles or videos I've found interesting, that I want to share with you.
- adrianfilip
- arriqaaq
- bishabosha
- blackcow02
- chyragBengaluru, India
- csbarkerAustralia
- devpiecodecentric AG
- dimetronPrague, Czech Republic
- dkalogInstitute of Computer and Communication Systems
- duanecilliers@rew-studio, @CastleOne, Trust My Group
- fdelsertPaimpol France
- gquintanaLyon, France
- imalik8088Freelancer
- indyaah
- kbkkPoland
- kzarzycki@getindata
- lcustodio@Hello-Cash-Ltd
- mablaeBremen, Germany
- mihaiccuberVU via Hootsuite
- mikla@evolution-gaming
- mnaamiAlgeria
- nano2nd
- nellaivijayDell
- notxcain@whisklabs
- pavankumar-dv
- plokhotnyukDisney Streaming
- saint7007Mumbai
- ScalaWilliam
- sderosiaux@conduktor
- svpuliMumbai
- tekeny
- timothyklim
- vichaosDGM59 Co.,Ltd
- wsargentSan Francisco
- xjrk58Würzburg