
This repo contains two python scripts: one transforms a given image into a new image after rotation, scaling or shifing; another script implements Least Square method and Iterative gradient descent method to find a solution of a homogeneous linear system

Primary LanguagePython

UCF ComputerVision Assignment1

This repo contains two python scripts: \

  • image_transform.py transforms a given image into a new image after rotation, scaling or shifing; \
  • mmse_and_gradient_des.py script implements Least Square method and Iterative gradient descent method to find a solution of a homogeneous linear system
    The file data.txt has a 20 x 5 matrix X, and a 20 x 1 vector b. The output of the script is a vector h, that minimizes the norm of the error e=Xh-b.

The image_transform.py script makes use of the given cat image, image1.png and produces three output images: output1.png (rotation by negative 45 degree),
output2.png (scaling by a factor of 2), and
output3.png (translation by 10 pixels in both positive x and positive y direction).

Instructions on how to run program First, the following dependencies need to be installed to be able to run the program:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ pip3 install numpy
$ pip3 install matplotlib

Then run the script

$ python3 image_transform.py
$ python3 mmse_and_gradient_des.py