
KNN and Naive Bayes Classifiers from scratch

Primary LanguagePython

KNN and Naive Bayes Classifiers from scratch

This repository contains implementation of two popular classifiers in machine learning: KNN and Naive Bayes Classifier, without using any machine learning libraries or toolkits, while numpy and pandas are used for mathematical functions and data manipulation. The evaluation is performed with 5 fold cross validation and each of the classifier outputs average accuracy and plots the average confusion matrix.

Instructions on how to run the program \

First, the following dependencies need to be installed:

$ sudo apt-get install python3-pip
$ pip3 install numpy
$ pip3 install pandas
$ pip3 install matplotlib

Then run the script

$ python3 knn_4808133.py -k 5 -m Euclidean
$ python3 knn_4808133.py -k 5 -m Cosine
$ python3 bayes_4808133.py

Sample Ouput

***KNN Classifier (with 5 fold cross validation)***

  • Nearest Neighbors (k): 5
  • Distance Metric : euclidean

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