- 1
Void lookups in ipv6 only
#41 opened by pywy18 - 8
Problems with ipv6 queries and void lookups
#40 opened by kristous - 0
IndexError caused by malformed DNS packet
#39 opened by readycool - 2
PEP8 coding style
#38 opened by aernan - 1
- 17
Add special case for +all SPF ?
#18 opened by gpatel-fr - 0
Example app illustrating legit use of +all
#36 opened by sdgathman - 2
- 2
vaidating an spf record
#33 opened by greggles - 3
- 1
- 1
SPF with redirect problem
#31 opened by kelvin52901 - 4
Allow custom DNS server
#29 opened by slavkoja - 13
- 5
NameError: name "strict" is not defined
#17 opened by vrubiella - 17
split() requires a non-empty pattern match
#27 opened by niftylettuce - 1
- 1
Include explicit LICENSE
#16 opened by sdgathman - 6
- 7
dnspython and CNAME answers
#22 opened by lrhazi-cua - 2
- 3
rename master branch
#11 opened by sdgathman - 5
- 4
pyspf allows invalid ALPHA/DIGIT in alphanum
#12 opened by kitterma - 1
- 14
New release
#14 opened by orlitzky - 12
- 23
- 6
CNAME processing causes incorrect permerrors
#10 opened by kitterma - 0
- 2
Warning with python3.6
#5 opened by kitterma - 4
[Python3] SyntaxError at
#6 opened by csuka - 2
returns unknown for permfail records
#3 opened by dark-arc