
Business Process Flows (BPF) is one of the salient features that are available in Dynamics 365 but it doesn't have a provision to capture the sub-stages involved within a single stage, it can have various fields as steps but what if we can have a sub-business process flow that gives wide range of designs to give a better UX rather than an option set or checkbox.

This Sub-Business Process Flow control lets you capture the sub-stages with a fluid transition, let's you to have different styles for the stages, you can skip the stages, align the stages in a different direction like vertical & horizontal etc.  Well technically, it's a UI rich transition control, doesn't have any OOB BPF features but the workflow, plugins or any actions can be triggered on change of this since it overlays on an optionset field.  

Configurable properties:

The number of stages - depends on the number of options in the optionset field on which the control is rendered. Text of each stage - depends on the text of the options in the optionset field. Style - different styles that are supported by Material UI.


Create an option set field, create options that need to be displayed as your stages in sub-BPF. Open the field from the form, navigate to properties Configure the design of the sub-BPF, currently, it supports 5 designs Modifying the options in optionset will change the stages automatically


  1. Linear Basic Bar
  2. Linear Basic Dotted
  3. Linear Basic Customized
  4. Vertical
  5. NonLinear (alert style stages)

Syles available Format: Alt Text