
Firmware for plotbot plotting robot. See plotbot on for Informations on the Hardware.

The goal of this firmware is to program as little C as possible while still getting a funktional plotter. In contrast to most firmwares that steer the movement of stepper motors, this one does not use gcode. Instead a buffer is filled from a pc with timing data that tells the microntroller when to make the steps.

This firmware uses PacketSerial for serial communication, PITimer for getting the timing of the steps right and CircularBuffer for storing the timings. Many thanks to the people who made this libraries, they are awesome!

This firmware is tested on a Teensy 3.1, but it will probably run on others too, provided the PITimer library is working.



Main file, where the magic happens.

Stepper.cpp & Stepper.h

Class for wrapping the basic stepper motor driver control stuff

Small gui written in python that offer basic control of the microcontroller and the steppers

All the basic control stuff, has a class for controlling the bot in it