
University of Washington CSE students. Submit a pull request!

UW ACM Students

Submit a pull request to add to the list.


Keep the list alphabetical by surname. CSE alumni welcome!
| Name | [Github](url) | [Personal Site](url) |

Name Github Personal Site
Christopher Apacible ChrisApacible
Jennifer Apacible japacible japacible.gh
Brett Boston bboston7
Amit Burstein amitburst
Sunjay Cauligi sunjayc
Jolie Chen omjolie
Kevin Chiu kevinchiu
Stefan Dierauf sdierauf stfn.me
Ryan Drapeau rdrapeau
Ben Du bendu
Katlyn Edwards katlyn-edwards
Ben Eggers BenedictEggers
Karan Goel karan goel.im
Nathaniel Guy nattybumppo
Pingyang He isphrazy
Vimala Jampala vjampala
Mahir Kothary mahirk
Wilson Lee kourge
Scottie Lim senghuot
Geoffrey Liu g-liu
David Mah DavidMah
Mallika Mathur mkmathur
Aengus Mcmillin wizecoder
Dominik Moritz domoritz
Aaron Nech aaronnech
Ty Overby TyOverby
Richard Pan richardpan
Christina Quan quanc
Max Sherman johnislarry
Christopher Su csu
David Swanson swansond
Grant Timmerman grant grant.cm
Tim Vega t101jv
Sean Ventrella NerdHerd91
Stanley Wang stanleynwang
Rukmal Weerawarana rukmal rukmal.me
Tariq Yusuf tariqajyusuf


Keep the list alphabetical by project name.