
An embedded executor.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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To work on the Scala API, run sbt using sbt -DdevMode (the devMode option allows to skip webpack execution to speed up execution). You can use ~compile or ~test on the root project or focus on a specific project using ~timeseries/test.

To run an example application, use example HelloWorld where HelloWorld is the example class name.

To work on the web application:

  • Install yarn
  • Run, yarn install and yarn start.

Local Database

To run the embedded MySQL on Linux you will need:

  • ncurses 5, if your distribution is already using ncurses 6 you can probably install a compatibility package (e.g. ncurses5-compat-libs on Archlinux).
  • libaio1.so, if your distribution has not it installed by default (ex: Ubuntu):
    $> sudo apt install libaio1

Format Javascript

Use yarn format to format the Javascript files.


We use Scalafmt to enforce style. The minimal config is found in the .scalafmt.conf file (you probably won't make any friends if you change this).

To use you can install the IntelliJ plugin and use the familiar shift-ctrl-L shortcut.

You can also use the sbt plugin:

$> sbt "scalafmt -i"

See also:

$> sbt "scalafmt -help"

You might also want to read details of the sbt integration.