Scraping publicly-accessible Letterboxd data and creating a movie recommendation model with it that can generate recommendations when provided with a Letterboxd username
- ArghyaShubhshiveSpice
- davidsmind
- donalddk
- earthwormjimjones
- elmoneto@Geosimples
- gayatri-pA pale blue dot
- HelpstoneX
- hirajanwin
- hizv
- IAjimiNew York City
- iwiLondon
- jakejohnsBrooklyn, NY
- jll01Montreal, QC
- jnsbal
- jojoniumNew England
- JonnyNichLeeds
- joshuarrrrrGermany
- JSMoore98
- juliamcneill@nytimes
- Junees
- kubuzettoPicus Security
- kyraocean@softdetours
- lpbeardenLiberty Mutual Insurance
- luizacbcamposUniversidade Federal de Minas Gerais
- mlaugharnin-situ
- mohamedlecterDoha, Qatar
- MrPhippsAmerican Express
- pdegenUniversity of Bern
- rushilrawatUniversity of Massachusetts Amherst
- SerVBJetBrains
- shatteringlass
- st-denUkraine
- szklyMagyar Telekom
- TumpshMicrosoft
- WayneSmith4
- WilliamLocatelli