
TypeScript snippets for integration

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Account Example

This file generates a private/public key pair, precomputes the Account contract address and deploys an Argent X account contract. If you want to precompute the address of another contract you can use this script to compute the class hash of the contract.

Offline Account

This class extends the Account class and enables to sign a transaction and later broadcast this signed transaction.

Here is an example on how to create an OfflineAccount instance, sign a transaction and then broadcast it.

const privateKey = '0x1234';
const starkPair = ec.getKeyPair(privateKey);
const signer = new Signer(starkPair);
const provider = new Provider({network: 'mainnet-alpha'}); // for testnet you can use defaultProvider
const acc: OfflineAccount = new OfflineAccount(provider, walletAddress, signer);
const targetContract = '0x123456';
const entrypoint = 'dummy_entrypoint';
const calldata = compileCalldata({arg1: 1, arg2: 2});
const signedTx = await acc.signTx(targetContract, entrypoint, calldata);
const sentTx = await acc.broadcastSignedTransaction(signedTx);


This class extends OfflineAccount and wraps all the main functions of an ERC20 smart-contract. It allows to easily sign/broadcast ERC20 transactions. It's quite similar to typechain.

Here is an example on how to execute a simple ERC20 transfer through the ERC20 class.

const privateKey = '0x1234';
const starkPair = ec.getKeyPair(privateKey);
const signer = new Signer(starkPair);
const provider = new Provider({network: 'mainnet-alpha'}); // for testnet you can use defaultProvider
const erc20address = '0x12345678';
const eth : ERC20 = new ERC20(provider, walletAddress, signer, erc20address);
const recipient = '0x123';
const amount = { low: 100, high: 0 };
const sentTx = await eth.transfer(recipient, amount);