
Code for integrating, raytracing, and meshing a TSDF on the CPU

Primary LanguageC++BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

This package provides pcl-compatible tools for building a smooth volumetric surface from registered point clouds, following a similar approach to that of Curless and Levoy, as made popular by KinectFusion. This runs on a CPU, using an octree to efficiently compress free space and scale to larger environments than can fit on a GPU. Also comes with a Marching Cube implementation, for extracting the isosurface.

Note: This tool is meant primarily for exploring the basics of volumetric reconstruction / mocking up ideas in a research setting. Everyone says their code is "unoptimized" as a sort of Get Out Of Jail Free Card in academia, but here it's true by design: I represent the volume as a collection of pointers to (abstract) Voxel objects, and make all calls recursively...including I/O calls. That has the benefit of being very simple to modify / extend, while seriously hurting performance. As such, I'd suggest using cpu_tsdf only as a research tool for figuring out what parameters/architecture you'd like. Once you've settled on it, you'll probably want to homebrew your own solution before deploying it in the wild.

Stability and Maintenance

This codebase was developed in ~2013. At the time, I believe it was built against PCL 1.7 on a Linux machine. Since that time, anecdotal evidence suggests that it has been run across Linux, Windows, and MacOS machines on a variety of PCL versions.

Personally, I have most recently tested this on MacOS and Linux machines, built against PCL 1.10, 1.11, 1.12, and 1.13. Very little has changed though, so I suspect this is quite robust to the exact PCL dependency. However, reports suggest that Windows / Visual Studio may have some issues.

Build Instructions

mkdir build && cd build && cmake .. && make


Let's say you have a list of PointClouds (in the sensor frame) and the camera poses. To merge them into a volume:

 TSDFVolumeOctree::Ptr tsdf (new TSDFVolumeOctree);
 tsdf->setGridSize (10., 10., 10.); // 10m x 10m x 10m
 tsdf->setResolution (2048, 2048, 2048); // Smallest cell size = 10m / 2048 = about half a centimeter
 tsdf->setIntegrateColor (false); // Set to true if you want the TSDF to store color
 Eigen::Affine3d tsdf_center; // Optionally offset the center
 tsdf->setGlobalTransform (tsdf_center);
 tsdf->reset (); // Initialize it to be empty
 for (size_t i = 0; i < clouds.size (); i++)
   tsdf->integrateCloud (clouds[i], normals[i], poses[i]); // Integrate the cloud
   // Note, the normals aren't being used in the default settings. Feel free to pass in an empty cloud
 // Now what do you want to do with it? 
 float distance; pcl::PointXYZ query_point (1.0, 2.0, -1.0);
 tsdf->getFxn (query_point, distance); // distance is normalized by the truncation limit -- goes from -1 to 1
 pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr raytraced = tsdf->renderView (pose_to_render_from); // Optionally can render it
 tsdf->save ("output.vol"); // Save it?  
 // Mesh with marching cubes
 MarchingCubesTSDFOctree mc;
 mc.setInputTSDF (tsdf);
 mc.setMinWeight (2); // Sets the minimum weight -- i.e. if a voxel sees a point less than 2 times, it will not render  a mesh triangle at that location
 mc.setColorByRGB (false); // If true, tries to use the RGB values of the TSDF for meshing -- required if you want a colored mesh
 pcl::PolygonMesh mesh;
 mc.reconstruct (mesh);

These are just the basics. You can add colors, store your own metadata in voxels (see octree.h), etc. Please ping me for bugs!

Handy Tools

To help get the ball rolling, I have one major executable, ./integrate.

Usage: integrate --in path/to/pcd_directory --out path/to/desired/output [many optional parameters, use --help to view]

As the long list of parameters should clue you in to, this is a fairly versatile program. Its job is to read in a directory of .pcd files and .txt files, where foo.txt is a 4 row ASCII matrix representing the pose of foo.pcd in some arbitrary reference frame (typically such that the first PCD has an identity pose.) The contents of foo.txt may look like:

1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1 //last row optional

By convention, this is the transform which can be applied to the cloud to bring it into the world coordinate system. Note that this is identical to the Eigen::Matrix4f which pcl::IterativeClosestPoint, and other pcl registration techniques, return when aligning cloud[i] to some world cloud. Note also that if you were to use ICP to align clouds pairwise, transform[i->world] = transform[i->i-1]*transform[i-1->i-2]*...*transform[0->world]. Hint hint. If you use the opposite convention (the pose is the world in the current camera frame) you can use the --invert option.

This will create a file at path/to/desired/output/mesh.ply.

To help adapt parameters for your sensor, I added the ./get_intrinsics tool. Provide it an organized point cloud from any sensor (i.e. has cloud.width, cloud.height, and either NaN or a point at all width*height locations) and it will output the best guess at focal length and center pixel.

Note on the codebase

You'll notice some extraneous-seeming layouts to the codebase: eigen_extensions vs cpu_tsdf, TSDFInterface as a parent of TSDFVolumeOctree. At the moment this probably seems unnecessary; it's a biproduct of the fact that other methods (GPU-based as used by KinectFusion, CPU with no octree as used by my masochistic past-self) have also existed in unstable forms, in larger projects. I leave this layer of abstraction here on the off chance that I port the others to the project (modulo public interest), but feel free to ignore it for now and judge me accordingly.

Sample Data

I've adapted a small slice of the Augmented ICL-NUIM dataset, to show an example of this running on notably noisy input data. You can download it at: http://sdavidmiller.s3.amazonaws.com/data/cpu_tsdf_sample_data.zip