Moneroocean standalone web miner is a Monero mining pool. It offers the possibility of web mining hashes.

The moneroocean standalone web miner offers a simple possibility to include the web miner into your homepage.

Just add a JavaScript and an element containing the mining wallet to your page and you are done.

Look for an example.

How to

The stand alone web miner depends on jQuery v1.4.4 or higher.
The web miner code itself can be found here.

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="web_miner.js"></script>

Additionally place this to the page.

<div id="moneroocean-web-miner" data-login="YOUR_MONERO_WALLET_HERE"></div>

That's it.

The rest will be created dynamically once the script has been loaded.


  • login
    • the mandatory Monero wallet ID to mine for
  • statsInterval
    • the interval the mining statistics will be updated in milliseconds
    • default: 2500
  • threads
    • the number of threads to mine with
    • default: 1
  • autostart
    • ìf set to true the mining will start automatically once the page has been loaded
    • default: false