
A simple log writer for node js. Rotation and compression (gzip) are supported.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

node-logtofile Build Status

A simple log writer for node js. Rotation and compression (gzip) are supported.

Installation with npm

Installing npm (node package manager: http://npmjs.org/)

curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh || sh	

Installing logtofile

[sudo] npm install [-g] logtofile



var logToFile = require('logtofile');

log = logToFile.create({
		directory: __dirname,
		fileName: 'log.txt'

log.on('error', function(err){
		console.log("Error: ", err);

log.on('writting', function(){
		// starting to write buffered data

log.on('write', function(){
		// something was juste written

log.on('written', function(filePath){
		// every buffered data have been written		

log.on('backuped', function (filePath, newFilePath) {
		// filePath was renamed to newFilePath

log.on('gzipping', function (filePath, newFilePath) {
		// starting to gzip filePath to gzippedFilePath

log.on('gzipped', function (filePath, newFilePath) {
		// filePath was gzipped to gzippedFilePath

log.write("hello world");
### Generated files
logtofile will create log files following this naming convention:
	original:    fileName [+ '.' +  fileExt]
	rotation:    filename [+ '.' +  fileExt] + '.' + fileIndex 
	compression: filename [+ '.' +  fileExt] + '.' + fileIndex + '.gz'

Older files have got bigger index:
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff  1769472 14 nov 15:38 benchtest.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff  5242880 14 nov 15:39 benchtest.txt.0
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff  5242880 14 nov 15:40 benchtest.txt.1
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff  5242880 14 nov 15:41 benchtest.txt.2
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff  5242880 14 nov 15:42 benchtest.txt.3
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff  5242880 14 nov 15:43 benchtest.txt.4

Older files have got bigger index, with gzip enabled
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff  5242880 14 nov 15:40 benchtest.txt
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff     5129 14 nov 15:41 benchtest.txt.0.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff     5129 14 nov 15:42 benchtest.txt.1.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff     5129 14 nov 15:43 benchtest.txt.2.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff     5129 14 nov 15:44 benchtest.txt.3.gz
-rw-r--r--   1 sebastiend  staff     5129 14 nov 15:45 benchtest.txt.4.gz



Returns a LogToFile instance.

* @public
* @class LogToFile
* @params {string} config.fileName
* @params {string} config.directory
* @params {number} [config.writeDelay] Buffer flushed timming (default 200ms)
* @params {number} [config.bufferSize] Buffer blocks size (default 65536o) 
* @params {number} [config.fileMaxSize] Max file size in octet (default 5MB) 
* @params {number} [config.maxBackupFileNumber] Max backup file number (default 10) 
* @params {boolean} [config.gzipBackupFile] gzip backup files (default false) 
* @params {number} [config.compressionLevel] [1-9] 1: BEST_SPEED, 9: BEST_COMPRESSION, default to 1
* @params {boolean} [config.verbose] enable verbose mode, default to false
* @event error({object} exception): when an async exception occured
* @event writting({string} filePath): when starting to write buffered data
* @event write(): when something was juste write
* @event written({string} filePath): when every buffered data  have been written
* @event backuped({string} filePath, {string} newFilePath): when filePath was renamed to newFilePath
* @event gzipping({string} filePath, {string} gzippedFilePath): when starting to gzip filePath to gzippedFilePath
* @event gzipped({string} filePath, {string} gzippedFilePath): when filePath was gzipped to gzippedFilePath
* @throws EEMPTYFILENAME: when config.filename is not set
* @throws EEMPTYDIRECTORY: when config.directory is not set
* @throws EDIRNOTFOUND: when config.directory does not exist

Known issues


Just run test/run_test.js


Just run test/logtofile-bench.js

Bench on my MacBook Pro OS X 10.6.8, 2.53GHz Intel Core 2 Duo (P8700), 7200 HDD with node 0.6.5:
Running bench 0. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 0, gzipBackupFile: 0(-)
................Total:1.00GB in 21158ms: 48.40MB/s
Running bench 1. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 1, gzipBackupFile: 0(-)
................Total:1.00GB in 20471ms: 50.02MB/s
Running bench 2. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 1, gzipBackupFile: 1(1)
................Total:1.00GB in 26901ms: 38.07MB/s
Running bench 3. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 1, gzipBackupFile: 1(9)
................Total:1.00GB in 33083ms: 30.95MB/s
Running bench 4. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 5, gzipBackupFile: 0(-)
................Total:1.00GB in 19655ms: 52.10MB/s
Running bench 5. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 5, gzipBackupFile: 1(1)
................Total:1.00GB in 26803ms: 38.20MB/s
Running bench 6. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 5, gzipBackupFile: 1(9)
................Total:1.00GB in 33553ms: 30.52MB/s
Running bench 7. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 10, gzipBackupFile: 0(-)
................Total:1.00GB in 19194ms: 53.35MB/s
Running bench 8. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 10, gzipBackupFile: 1(1)
................Total:1.00GB in 31797ms: 32.20MB/s
Running bench 9. fileMaxSize: 10.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 10, gzipBackupFile: 0(-)
................Total:1.00GB in 19811ms: 51.69MB/s
Running bench 10. fileMaxSize: 10.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 10, gzipBackupFile: 1(1)
................Total:1.00GB in 33831ms: 30.27MB/s
Running bench 11. fileMaxSize: 10.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 10, gzipBackupFile: 1(9)
................Total:1.00GB in 43417ms: 23.59MB/s

Bench on my Ubuntu 11.10 desktop, 3GHz Intel Core 2 Duo CPU (E8400), 7200 HDD with node 0.6.6:
Running bench 0. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 0, gzipBackupFile: 0(-)
................Total:1.00GB in 9212ms: 111.16MB/s
Running bench 1. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 1, gzipBackupFile: 0(-)
................Total:1.00GB in 8864ms: 115.52MB/s
Running bench 2. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 1, gzipBackupFile: 1(1)
................Total:1.00GB in 16428ms: 62.33MB/s
Running bench 3. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 1, gzipBackupFile: 1(9)
................Total:1.00GB in 21796ms: 46.98MB/s
Running bench 4. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 5, gzipBackupFile: 0(-)
................Total:1.00GB in 8880ms: 115.32MB/s
Running bench 5. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 5, gzipBackupFile: 1(1)
................Total:1.00GB in 15996ms: 64.02MB/s
Running bench 6. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 5, gzipBackupFile: 1(9)
................Total:1.00GB in 21910ms: 46.74MB/s
Running bench 7. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 10, gzipBackupFile: 0(-)
................Total:1.00GB in 21133ms: 48.46MB/s
Running bench 8. fileMaxSize: 5.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 10, gzipBackupFile: 1(1)
................Total:1.00GB in 16026ms: 63.90MB/s
Running bench 9. fileMaxSize: 10.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 10, gzipBackupFile: 0(-)
................Total:1.00GB in 21358ms: 47.94MB/s
Running bench 10. fileMaxSize: 10.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 10, gzipBackupFile: 1(1)
................Total:1.00GB in 15648ms: 65.44MB/s
Running bench 11. fileMaxSize: 10.00MB, maxBackupFileNumber: 10, gzipBackupFile: 1(9)
................Total:1.00GB in 21816ms: 46.94MB/s


node-logtofile is licensed under the MIT license.