
A bandit server that implements the multi-armed bandit for running a single experiment

Primary LanguageGo


A server running multi-armed-bandit algorithm. A redis server is required to implement caching and delayed learning.


User Stories


Get Arm

  • As a consumer application,
  • I want to know which feature to display,
  • In order to display that feature.

Update Arm

  • As an analytic guy,
  • I want to get the feedback on the feature displayed,
  • In order to improve the feature selection mechanism.

View Stats

  • As an analytic guy,
  • I want to view the current stats,
  • In order to know how the features perform.


Get Arm

$ curl http://localhost:9090/arms



Post Arm

$ curl -X POST -d {"arm": 2, "id":"bcbl5jle4b3ipsuela90", "reward": 1} http://localhost:9090/arms


{"ok": true}

Get Arm Stats

$ curl http://localhost:9090/arms/stats




  • dockerize the service
  • create a dashboard for the service (web ui)
  • make the service configurable
  • make the results of the service transparent (like feature X is n% better than feature Y)
  • isolate configuration
  • add labels and annotations for registry
  • create sdk to integrate the functionality into other applications
  • or make this into a sidecar proxy
  • CRUD and API interface and CLI to integrate with the configuration
  • fix the race issue that is found in the api
  • load data from persistent store (e.g. redis)
  • note that features might not be loaded in the correct order, hence it is important not to hardcode the values. use namespace instead