
Remote NRPE deploy and configuration helper scripts

Primary LanguagePerlOtherNOASSERTION

Welcome to Sbire project


Sbire is a set of scripts whose aim is to help deploy, modify and maintain remote NRPE scripts.

Sbire at a glance

(History : Sbire-server has been installed and setup on a Linux machine called master. Nrpe and Sbire-client has been installed on several Linux and Windows servers, called Venus, Mars, Saturn, Neptun and so on...)

# This command will "connect" to all the known remote servers

user@master:~$ connect all
VENUS    sbire.pl Version 0.9.26   (linux, RSA:pub=)
MARS     sbire.pl Version 0.9.26   (linux, RSA:pub=)
SATURN   sbire.pl Version 0.9.26   (Win32, RSA:pub=)

# This will ask for the version of a NRPE check

user@master:~$ c info -n my_nagios_plugin.pl --csv
VENUS    my_nagios_plugin.pl    70426 bytes     Version 1.2    Signature : dbb3e5d3ca5c21788f9bb1e47e409fcc
MARS     my_nagios_plugin.pl    72340 bytes     Version 1.3    Signature : 0cc45e8ec072b0187c5b7dad0761d3d9
SATURN   my_nagios_plugin.pl    70426 bytes     Version 1.2    Signature : dbb3e5d3ca5c21788f9bb1e47e409fcc

# Ok, the plugin seems more recent on MARS, lets take it locally...

user@master:~$ connect MARS
MARS     sbire.pl Version 0.9.26   (linux, RSA:pub=)
user@master:~$ c download -n my_nagios_plugin.pl > /tmp/my_nagios_plugin.pl

# ... then push it to the other servers.

user@master:~$ connect all
user@master:~$ c upload --csv -n my_nagios_plugin.pl -f /tmp/my_nagios_plugin.pl
VENUS   OK. 72340 bytes uploaded.
MARS    Skipped. Files are identical
SATURN  OK. 72340 bytes uploaded.

# By the way, would you be able to run a command on several server at once ?

user@master:~$ r ls -l
VENUS  total 8
VENUS  -rwxrwsr-x 2 nagios nagios 72340 May 19 10:30 my_nagios_plugin.pl
VENUS  -rwxrwsr-x 2 nagios nagios 12668 May 12 11:02 check_fs.pl
VENUS  -rwxrwsr-x 2 nagios nagios 14611 May 11 11:35 check_disk.pl
VENUS  -rwxrwsr-x 2 nagios nagios 24587 May 15 16:48 sbire.pl
MARS   total 8
MARS   -rwxrwsr-x 2 nagios nagios 72340 May 19 10:20 my_nagios_plugin.pl
MARS   -rwxrwsr-x 2 nagios nagios 12668 May 19 10:20 check_fs.pl
MARS   -rwxrwsr-x 2 nagios nagios 14655 May 19 10:22 check_disk.pl
MARS   -rwxrwsr-x 2 nagios nagios 24587 May 16 10:22 sbire.pl

# Or launch an NRPE script for testing ?

user@master:~$ r nrpe -a check_disk -- -n /tmp
| VENUS ( |
OK | /tmp=62%,80,90

| MARS ( |
OK | /tmp=35%,80,90


# Or even modify your NRPE configuration file ...

user@master:~$ c config -n /etc/nagios/nrpe.cfg -- 'command[new_check] /usr/bin/perl my_new_check.pl \$ARG1\$'
| VENUS ( |
OK (Added '/usr/bin/perl my_new_check.pl $ARG1$')

| MARS ( |
OK (Added '/usr/bin/perl my_new_check.pl $ARG1$')


# ... upload the check script ...

user@master:~$ c upload -n my_new_check.pl -f ./DEV/new_script/my_new_check.pl

# ... And finally restart the NRPE service ?

user@master:~$ r sudo /etc/init.d/nagios-nrpe-service restart

# Did you notice you just deployed a brand new check on several servers with only 3 command lines ?


  • Server side :

NRPE plugin must be present on server-side. To install check_nrpe plugin, there is an install script that you can launch with :

(TODO : sbire domain is not more valid)

To install sbire_master (which is the server-side of sbire), just type

curl -sSL (TODO : sbire domain is not more valid) | sudo bash
  • Client side (Where you will type your commands) :

TODO : Find a Linux expert who could tell me if there's a better place for this

Extract this repository to /opt/adm/sbire

mkdir -p /opt/adm
git clone https://github.com/Orabig/Sbire.git sbire

Add the following into your .bashrc file

if [ -f /opt/adm/sbire/etc/.bash_aliases ]; then
        source /opt/adm/sbire/etc/.bash_aliases


Atm, there are 3 scripts :

  • sbire.pl

    It's the main script, which must be placed on remote NRPE servers (usually inside the folder containing the plugins).

  • sbire_master.pl

    It's the command script, which is supposed to be run on a command line. It's controls sbire.pl remotely, whith the help of a standard check_nrpe call.

  • sbire_rsa_keygen.pl

    It's an utility which generates a couple of private/public keys, which can be used when RSA security-based transfert protocol are activated between sbire.pl and sbire_master.pl.


You should create /opt/adm/sbire/etc/server_list.txt (there's a sample file) and add you servers IP adresses and aliases.

To check if configuration is correct, just type :

$ connect all

It should return :

$ connect all
ALIAS1     sbire.pl Version 0.9.29  (linux, RSA:pub=/opt/nagios/etc/sbire_rsa.pub)
ALIAS2     sbire.pl Version 0.9.29  (linux, RSA:pub=/opt/nagios/etc/sbire_rsa.pub)

To run sbire commands on a specific server, type

$ connect ALIAS1
ALIAS1     sbire.pl Version 0.9.29  (linux, RSA:pub=/opt/nagios/etc/sbire_rsa.pub)
$ r pwd
ALIAS1     /usr/lib/nagios/plugins

You may also connect to serveral server at once with

$ connect ALIAS1,ALIAS3,(...)

Or build a server list in a file 'aliaslist', and use

$ connect @aliaslist
  • The following aliases are available :
Alias Description
s Run sbire on every connected servers
s -c <command> ... Run a sbire command among upload, download, run, info, config, nrpe
c <command> ... Alias to s -c <command> ...
r <cmdline> -- ... Alias to s -c run -n <cmdline> -- ... : will launch the given cmdline on servers
  • Some common arguments may be used
Argument Description
--csv Output the result in CSV like (no server info blocks and each line is prefixed by the server alias)
--split <file> Each unique output is saved in a separate file.1.out, file.2.out... file, and the aliases are stored in file.1.lst....
--local (with info command) run sbire locally to get the version info about a local file
--local (with run command) run a command line locally for each connected server. Useful with the following macros : __NAME__ and __TARGET__ (the alias name and IP adress resp.)

Examples :

$ r --local echo __NAME__ IP is __TARGET__
$ c download -n myplugin -f myplugin.__NAME__
$ c download -n myplugin --split myplugin
$ r --local ping __TARGET__ -c 1


To transfert or update a NRPE plugin, write :

c upload -n <remote> -f <local>

Where : <remote> is the name of the NRPE script (in the remote folder) <local> is the filename of the script to transfert

This will do the following :

  1. If <remote> and <local> are identical, nothing is done (an MD5 comparison is performed)
  2. <local> is sent to the NRPE server in a temporary folder (SESSION_FOLDER)
  3. If a <remote> file already exist, then it's archived
  4. The new <remote> file is written/replaced.