
Python Nagios Plugins for VMWARE api with pyVmomi .

Primary LanguagePython


Plugins inspired from https://github.com/rogerlz/nagios-check-vcenter

check_datastore.py :

For your VMFS : This plugin can alert you for two thing :

  • VMFS Occupation
  • VMFS Surallocation

Usage: This is a bigger help with actions separated by mode

    if mode = datastore
        name = datastore name
            actions =

  --version             show program's version number and exit
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -H HOSTNAME           vCenter Hostname/IP
  -P PORT               vCenter Port (default: 443)
  -A AUTHFILE           Authfile
  -n NAME               see usage text
  -a ACTION             see usage text
  -W WARNING_SURALLOC   The Warning threshold (default: 150)
  -C CRITICAL_SURALLOC  The Critical threshold (default: 180)
  -w WARNING            The Warning threshold (default: 80)
  -c CRITICAL           The Critical threshold (default: 90)

Authfile Should contain a line : CSV_ENTRY;user;pass

Status information give number of SnapShot present on VMFS . Graph Output show you

snap.py :

For one VM Generate Alert if :

  • Snapshot is more than x Days Old
  • Snapshot threechild is bigger than 3 level .