
Magento 2 improved FPC and Varnish replacement was used for Magento SaaS solution when you need high performace and scaling. No more outdated Adobes official Varnish approach is requred

Primary LanguagePHP


this extension requres Redis Magento Builtin cache enabled and php_redis php extension installed. The phpredis extension provides a native PHP API for communicating with the Redis key-value store.

#RHEL / CentOS
#Installation of the php-pecl-redis package, from the EPEL repository:

yum install php-pecl-redis

The Idea behind this Magento 2 FPC performance extension

When I developed a Shopware 6 based website I noticed fast sub 1ms performance of the FPC cache. I checked the code and it amazed me. It is simple and made a right PHP way! You don't need Varnish to run your FPC cache fast. You need just fast code without reusing the Magento 2 junk core framework.



fastcgi_param PHP_VALUE "auto_prepend_file=/var/www/html/magento/app/code/Mage/FPC/FPC.php";

/var/www/html/magento/app/ shuld be changet to your magento path


add it as a first line to app/bootstrap.php or pub/index.php

Also if you are using composer to install this stuff your path will be something like : ../vendor/mage/fpc/src/Mage/FPC.php

Installation into app folder is preferable. It is not a usless library. It is a part of your busines to keep your site FAST.

require "../app/code/Mage/FPC.php";

Also this extension will work without this aditional interactions (jsut install and forget) but it will be slower becouse it will load all Magento 2 via autoloader.

or do next:

composer require mage/fpc
bin/magento setup:upgrade
bin/magento fpc:deploy


FPC generation time is 0.000481128 second.