
Automatic Radiotherapy Treatment Planning , Knowledge-Based Planning , Dose Prediction , Cascade 3D Network (C3D) ,DCNN, Head and Neck , 1st Place Solution to the AAPM OpenKBP challenge

Primary LanguagePython


Automatic Radiotherapy Treatment Planning , Knowledge-Based Planning , Dose Prediction , Cascade 3D Network (C3D) ,DCNN, Head and Neck , 1st Place Solution to the AAPM OpenKBP challenge

Please feel free to concat me if you have any questions, email: 1980073622@qq.com, Shuolin Liu


This repository contains an PyTorch implementation for radiotherapy dose prediction, along with pre-trained models and examples.

The goal of this implementation is to be simple, highly extensible, and easy to integrate into your own projects. This implementation is a work in progress -- more dose prediction models are currently being implemented. Currently support:

  • C3D (under review), a cascade 3D network for radiotherapy dose prediction, the 1st place solution to the AAPM OpenKBP challenge
    (Official OpenKBP paper is now available on arXiv)

  • DCNN, a lightweight and accurate dose prediction method


  • Results on OpenKBP Test Set using a Single model with test-time augmenation(TTA)
Model Batch
2 18Gb 80,000 50 hours
(Two 1080TIs)
2.46 1.46 Google Drive
Baidu Drive, PassWord:voni
32 3Gb 100,000 20 hours
(Single 1080TI)
2.75 1.68 Google Drive
Baidu Drive, PassWord:j56y
  • OpenKBP leaderboard


  • torch >=1.2.0
  • tqdm
  • opencv-python
  • numpy
  • SimpleITK
  • pandas
  • scikit-image
  • scipy


  1. Data Preparation

    • Download OpenKBP challenge repository, and copy the repository to

      For me, /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/ is E://Project/RTDosePrediction-main/

    • C3D:

      cd /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Src/DataPrepare
      python prepare_OpenKBP_C3D.py

      The training Data will be saved in /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Data/OpenKBP_C3D

    • DCNN:

      cd /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Src/DataPrepare
      python prepare_OpenKBP_DCNN.py

      The training Data will be saved in /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Data/OpenKBP_DCNN

  2. Training

    • C3D:

      cd /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Src/C3D
      python train.py --batch_size 2 --list_GPU_ids 1 0 --max_iter 80000

      Larger batch_size will bring more stable results. If you want to train C3D with batch size of 4, use:

      python train.py --batch_size 4 --list_GPU_ids 3 2 1 0 --max_iter 80000

    • DCNN:

      cd /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Src/DCNN
      python train.py --batch_size 32 --list_GPU_ids 0 --max_iter 100000
  3. Testing

    The prediction results will be saved in /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Output/XXX/Prediction

    • C3D:

      cd /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Src/C3D
      python test.py --GPU_id 0 
    • DCNN:

      cd /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Src/DCNN
      python test.py --GPU_id 0 
  4. Using pre-trained models

    • Download model weights for C3D (Google Drive, Baidu Drive, PassWord:voni) and DCNN(Google Drive, Baidu Drive, PassWord:j56y)

    • Copy model weights to /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/PretrainedModels

    • C3D:

      cd /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Src/C3D
      python test.py --GPU_id 0 --model_path ../../PretrainedModels/C3D_bs4_iter80000.pkl
    • DCNN:

      cd /path_to_your_RTDosePrediction/RTDosePrediction/Src/DCNN
      python test.py --GPU_id 0 --model_path ../../PretrainedModels/DCNN_bs32_iter100000.pkl


if you find C3D and DCNN useful in your research, please consider citing:

  • C3D
   title = {Cascade 3D Network for Radiotherapy Dose Prediction : 1st Place Solution to OpenKBP Challenge},
   author = {Shuolin Liu and Jingjing Zhang and Teng Li and Hui Yan  and Jianfei Liu},
   journal = {Medical Physics, under review}
  • DCNN
   title = {Predicting voxel-level dose distributions for esophageal radiotherapy using densely connected network with dilated convolutions},
	doi = {10.1088/1361-6560/aba87b},
	url = {https://doi.org/10.1088%2F1361-6560%2Faba87b},
	year = 2020,
	month = {oct},<br>
	publisher = {{IOP} Publishing},
	volume = {65},
	number = {20},
	pages = {205013},
	author = {Jingjing Zhang and Shuolin Liu and Hui Yan and Teng Li and Ronghu Mao and Jianfei Liu},
	journal = {Physics in Medicine {\&} Biology


Thank OpenKBP Organizers: Aaron Babier, Binghao Zhang, Rafid Mahmood, Timothy Chan, Andrea McNiven, Thomas Purdie, and Kevin Moore.