
A wordpress plugin designed to make it easy to quickly create a real estate website.

Primary LanguagePHP

=== Plugin Name ===
Contributors: Placester, MattBarba
Tags: real estate, realestate, home, housing, rentals, properties, neighborhood, map, mortgage, listing, listings, craigslist, rental, google map, mls, idx, rets, agent, broker, leasing, realty, realtor, placester, widget, buddypress, homes, property, property management, estate, realestate, real estate crm, real estate maps
Requires at least: 3.0
Tested up to: 3.7.1
Stable tag: 1.1.27

Easily create and manage real estate sites powered by WordPress.

== Description ==

From the creators of http://placester.com: Create your fully functional real estate website with a single plugin. Some of the features include: 

* RETS integrations available, continuously updated with you MLS.
* Full international listing support (240+ countries!)
* Create / edit / update / search listings.
* Set listings as "Featured" to highlight them in your sidebar throughout your site.
* Every listing automatically has a unique landing page created - great for SEO.
* Fully customizable sidebar layout and custom Placester real estate widgets.
* Unlimited images per listing.
* Placester has themes free themes that work seamlessly with this free Placester plugin (hosted premium themes also available).

**See it in Action**

* Fully functional demo: [Columbus Theme](http://columbus.placester.net/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=theme&utm_campaign=columbus)
* Single property demo: [Bluestone Theme](http://bluestone.placester.net/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=theme&utm_campaign=bluestone)

This is the only plugin you need to create a powerful WordPress powered real estate website. Watch our quick demo about how to get started:

**Getting Started without a Non-Placester Theme**

Check out some of the premium themes available to hosted users:
[Franklin Theme](http://franklin.placester.net/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=theme&utm_campaign=franklin)
[Plymouth Theme](http://plymouth.placester.net/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=theme&utm_campaign=plymouth)
[Sedona Theme](http://sedona.placester.net/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=theme&utm_campaign=sedona)
[Highland Theme](http://highland.placester.net/?utm_source=wordpress&utm_medium=theme&utm_campaign=highland)

Find the latest themes and theme updates at [Placester.com/portfolio/](https://placester.com/portfolio/)


* Easy setup - create a new free Placester account in one step to automatically add your listings to your site. No credit card required.
* Easily add listings - manually add listings to your website via the plugin admin panel.
* Create and manage listing landing pages
* Populate your web site with the listing inventory from your property database company
* Tune the listings on the site for the target market
* Customize sidebar layout using robust widgets
* Powerful search based on the Placester API and Google Maps
* Easily promote featured properties across your site
* Search engine optimized from top to bottom ^
* Always up-to-date, Placester automatically update itself with the the latest listings data

Note ^: Feature requires a Placester-enabled theme.

== Installation ==

**Install via Search:**

1. In WordPress admin, visit Plugins > Add New
1. Search for "placester"
1. Click the "Install Now" link and click "Ok" (if necessary) in the pop-up dialog.
1. Once installed, click the "Activate Plugin" link.
1. Via the "Placester" left-hand menu, and Plugin Settings tab, add your API key and configure the plugin.

**Install via Upload:**

1. In WordPress admin, visit "Plugins" > "Add New" > "Upload"
1. Upload placester.zip file
1. Once uploaded, click the "Activate Plugin" link
1. Via the "Placester" left-hand menu, and Plugin Settings tab, add your API key and configure the plugin.

== Screenshots ==
1. Listing Index
2. Add/Edit Listings
3. Basic Home Page
4. Listing Search

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

= Who is Placester for? =

Any professional seeking the competitive advantage of having a robust real estate web site.

= Are there any hidden costs or fees here? =

Not unless you want there to be, that is Placester is your marketing partner. Our goal is to help you generate leads for your listing and help you easily create niche web sites for marketing purposes using our themes. There are additional themes available in Placester's [Advanced offering](https://placester.com/pricing/) which includes website hosting.

= Which markets (countries) are supported? =

Placester's Real Estate Website Builder currently supports all iso countries. A complete list can be found here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-1_alpha-2

We'll be adding more as time goes on. [Reach out](mailto:support@placester.com) to us if you would like to see your market supported.

= Where does my information go? Who owns it? =

The data is yours, Placester seeks only to a cost-effective means to generate more leads. All data is Moreover, there is no data "lock-in," if you've created listings (ads) in our system, that data can be exported at any time for use elsewhere. Simply let us know what your needs are.

= How do I get started? =

After installing the plugin simply follow the instructions in the plugin to obtain an API key and begin either adding listings or [notify us](mailto:support@placester.com) if you already work with a property database company so we can enable the integration for your account.

### = Wait, what about my listings, how do I make sure clients don't see actual addresses? =

### Simple, by default Placester only displays the block address so the client can explore the neighborhood, but they still need you for the showing or to finalize the deal.

= What is "SEO"? How do I get on to Google? =

Search engine optimization or SEO is the process of making sure that your listings are easily found by search engines like Google. Placester takes care of making your site friendly to Google for you, there are no additional steps to take.

= What are some of the ways that Placester can be used? =

Because you are able to determine which listings appear on the site, it means that you can easily create niche sites for your listings focused on various modalities (luxury, professionals, students etc). Then drive traffic to those listings using Placester to generate more qualified leads and more deals as a result.

= Why do I need an API key? =

Placester offers lots of tools on our platform powered by our robust API. So using the API makes your data portable and allows you to use any of our products to interact with your account and your listings.

= Does this plugin work with Multi-site? =

Yes it does.
### Yes it does, however separate instances (API keys) must be used per site.

= How do I get support? =

Easy, simply [reach out](mailto:support@placester.com) to us and let us know how we can help!

= I want a feature that you have not included, can you add it? =

Absolutely, [reach out](mailto:support@placester.com) to us and let us know what features would help you generate more leads easier!

= How often do you update data? =

In general - real-time. But if you use 3rd party property management services, the updates will only be as recent as your provider allows.

== Changelog ==

= 1.1.27 =
* Virtual property posts and terms have been introduced to greatly increase performance and vastly decrease what's stored in the DB

= 1.1.26 =
* New shortcode [favorite_listings] displays user's favorited listings if they are logged in and allows them to edit their profile.
* New shortcode [pl_user_profile] displays user's profile if they are logged in.
* Can use neighborhoods as a search option in [search_form] shortcode. 
* Show custom neighborhoods in search forms along with neighborhoods from the MLS.
* Update WordPress version compatability information.
* Fixes:
    * Make the Placester theme gallery links work a bit better.

= 1.1.25 =
* Search and static listing shortcodes now have sort_by drop downs.
* Added new short code [pl_login_block] for use with non Placester themes - adds the login and register links and enables the 'add to favorites link' on non Placester themes.
* Fixes:
    * Block address behavior as set from Settings page.
    * Featured listing image is not the appropriate image.
    * Limit selections for property type in search form if global filters set.
    * Agent Widget - Can not adjust email address on non-home page pages.
    * Remove taxonomies (MLS IDs, half-baths, streets) from the nav menus page.
    * Global filters not working for custom fields.
    * 'Add to favorites' link does not work on non Placester theme - now works when [pl_login_block] short code is added to the page.

= 1.1.24 =
* Adding Dragonfly image resizing logic for property images.

= 1.1.23 =
* Minor updates in support of more fundamental BP changes
* Cleaning the pipes for listing searches -- need to remove extraneous args for storage of saved-search filters
* More CRM lead integration updates:
    * Basic impl for Contactually solidified, need work with them to expose more constructive endpoints for push leads
    * Substantial lead creation update -- site user registration flow corrected + integration with CRM platforms enhanced
    * Lead fixes + CRM integration gaps filled...
* Shortcodes template editor:
    * Fix issue with dialog showing list of custom attributes not displaying correctly on WP 3.6.1
    * HTML cleanup
* Shortcode templates: 
    * Better way to support image_url tag
    * New template tag [image_url index placeholder] that displays listing image url
* Deleting old, unnecessary files
* Fix: WP 3.6.1/jquery-ui 10.1 - make sure the grey mask is on top and the modal dialog is on top of that
* Fix: If a certain locality field is missing for a property, the permalink/URL generated will simply say the field, i.e., 'state' instead of 'unassigned-state'
* Fix: Custom drawn polygons - allow existing polygons to be edited
* Fix: Search form not showing available locations when global filters are set for a location attribute AND some other attribute.
* Fix: Compatibility issues with PHP 5.4.

= 1.1.22 =
* Cleanup lead capture functionality.
* Check requests for viewing invalid property listings and redirect.
* Make sure defunct data is removed when expired listings are purged.
* Updates to lead/membership handling, improved login time.
* Clean up of some JS files.
* Admin page for search, static listings shortcodes displays dynamic list of filters which expands as filters are added, also allows multiple values to be set for certain filters (eg City, Zip). 
* Built in templates for search, static, featured listings shortcodes hide beds, baths fields if they are empty.
* Allow theme to control how shortcodes are displayed when no template is specified by the shortcode.
* Make property listing template return template instead of echoing which may have caused issues with the Yoast plugin.
* Tweaks to built in templates for static, search, featured listings shortcodes.
* Fix: Compatibility issue with PHP 5.2.
* Fix: Search form - Number of beds set to zero returns properties that have zero bedrooms (eg studios). 

= 1.1.21 =
* Tweaks to built in template for individual property listings.
* Added better descriptions to admin pages for shortcodes.
* Added 'Search' button to built in templates for search form shortcode.
* Added a lookup dialog to display all available property listing fields when creating templates for individual property listing pages.
* Fix: Prevent static listings shortcode from interacting with a search form on the same page.
* Fix: Search form shortcode was not going to supplied URL, plus various fixes to search form shortcode.

= 1.1.20 =
* Updates to twitter oauth.
* Cleaning-up taxonomy functionality.
* New admin page to list templates available for theming the individual property listing pages, with one built in template that can be copied and used to create custom templates. 
* Added a lookup dialog to display all available property listing fields when creating templates for search/static/featured listings shortcodes.
* Fix: Incompatibilities with PHP 5.4
* Fix: Facebook SDK needed to check for session being set to avoid a notice.

= 1.1.19 = 
* Individual property page template editor allows conditional display of fields and display of any field available for the listing.
* Individual property page template editor allows mls compliance statement as a footer.
* Ensure that browser does not cache old versions of JS files.
* Clarifying that block addresses aren't always block, but sometimes just a near-by address.
* Fix: Error when adding listing under WordPress 3.6.

= 1.1.18 =
* Tweaks to shortcode templates 
* Support mls compliance statement in shortcode template.
* Added mls compliance statement to shortcode templates.
* Support Favorite Link toggle in search, static and featured listings shortcodes.
* Support conditional display of listing items in templates for search, static and featured listings shortcodes.
* Fix: Signup wizard sometimesdoes not work on first install.
* Fix: A PHP 5.2 compatibility issue.

= 1.1.17 =
* Signup Wizard improvements.
* Create listings search page automatically at end of signup process using search form and listings shortcodes.
* Tweaks to shortcode templates.
* New shortcode template called Responsive.
* Allow min max filters to be set on custom fields for search listings, static listings shortcodes.
* Fixed: Allow featured listings generated from shortcode to show more than 5 listings.
* Fixed: Some issues with IE8 on shortcode configuration page.

= 1.1.16 =
* Allow list of items in listings Sort By drop list to be chosen when creating a search or static listings custom shortcode.
* Allow the default Sort By item to be selected when creating a search or static listings custom shortcode.
* Allow filtering for properties near an address when creating a static listing custom shortcode. 
* Re-built dummy data prompt/activation that appears when switching themes.

= 1.1.15 =
* Allow template to be created for formatting the page that displays individual property listings.
* Allow new shortcode templates to be created from built in templates.
* Allow shortcode templates to use built in form/listings renderer to generate content and CSS from the template.
* Updated built in shortcode template format and made them somewhat liquid and render consistently in different themes.
* JavaScript cleanup.
* CRM updates.
* Fix: resolved UI issues with the customizer.
* Fix: caption was not appearing in first slide of slideshow shortcode.
* Fix: URL encoding issues.

= 1.1.9 =
* Map enhancements
* Componentization for widgets and post types 
* Global filtering fixes

= 1.1.8 =
* Performance updates
* Analytics improvements

= 1.1.7 =
* Slideshow CSS updates

= 1.1.6 =
* jQuery and jQuery UI updates for UI

= 1.1.5 =
* Compatibility for WordPress 3.5.1 and PHP 5.4.x

= 1.0.4 =
* Added RETS integration form

= 1.0.3 =
* Updated listing return spec to account for id
* Correct date formatting in listings index

= 1.0.2 =
* Added theme gallery for 1 click theme installation 
* Added full international support with default country

= 1.0.1 =
* Complete groundup rewrite of core functionality.

= 0.3.12 =
* Minor changes to WordPress function due to deprecation
* Removed Roommates/Favorites/Leads sections in preparation for next version for plugin
* Data type fixes for Placester themes
* Admin panel fixes

= 0.3.8 = 
* Minor changes to contact / settings due to api changes
* Fixed timeout errors
* Fixed image uploading
* Fixed theme xml parsing errors

= 0.3.7 = 
* Added support for India, South Africa, and United Kingdom
* Fixed the Contact images bug
* API updates

= 0.3.5 = 
* Show hidden Contact hidden fields for all API types 

= 0.3.4 = 
* Added support for Australia, Belize and Russia
* Added information about the type of the API key
* Contact page updated to match the API key type
* Fixed the "Exact address" functionality

= 0.3.3 = 
* Make "Delete" listing link red
* Change the listings table pagination limit to 15 

= 0.3.2 = 
* Fix 0.3.1 missing files errors

= 0.3.1 = 
* Added support for listing delete
* Added the ability to set the default listings map position and zoom

= 0.3 = 
* Added better image management
* Added support for countries (US and Canada)
* Added support for displaying the exact address
* Visual compatibility with Wordpress 3.2

= 0.2.1 = 
* Added universal theme support
* Added auto page creation for new listings

= 0.2.0 =
* Usability improvements in WP Admin UI
* Improved error messages and messaging
* Improved permission handling

= 0.1.0 =
* Initial release