
Grafana dashboard with readsb datas

skybarberom opened this issue · 1 comments

I configured readsb to send data to InfluxDB (2), by creating a bucket called readsb and an API key that I used in the environmental variables.
I lmported the grafana dashboard and added the new datasource (with query language Flux) and configured the token. The dashboard doesn't populate because (I think from my low knowedge of grafana) the queries are written in SQL like format.
Am I missing something or there is a different version of the grafana dashboard to use?

It's not very clear is it! You have to create a data source specifically for influx v1 compatibility. Set the "Query language" to "InfluxQL". Then you need to add the api Token into "Custom HTTP Headers" where the header is "Authorization" and the value is "Token " (provide the word Token followed by a space and an InfluxDB API token. The word Token is case-sensitive).

I've basic auth (user/pass) too but I'm not sure it's required - I don't see why it would be.