Multi-architecture readsb-protobuf container with support for RTLSDR, bladeRF and plutoSDR (x86_64, arm32v7, arm64v8)
- 1
readsb's --net-bind-address is not configurable / does not listen on IPv6
#284 opened by duckfullstop - 7
Feature request: Home Assistant Add-on
#350 opened by ExquisiteMetropolis - 0
Part of data missing in Grafana Dashboard
#293 opened by sledzik1984 - 1
- 0
Readme typo for environmental variable name
#232 opened by bigmak40 - 2
Feature Request: Disable CPU Temp monitoring
#191 opened by buliwyf42 - 1
Grafana dashboard with readsb datas
#218 opened by skybarberom - 2
- 0
Gain line on graphs doesn't match the actual value
#206 opened by biggeeus - 3
- 2
ADSBexchange container unhealthy, beast connection
#198 opened by steinauf85 - 11
Using Airspy Mini without Success
#193 opened by uakm2201 - 5
- 0
riscv64 Heads-up
#189 opened by nottledim - 1
Map Overview in grafana dashboard
#158 opened by RyanPostema - 1
autogain script issue
#177 opened by dirkhh - 6
FlightAware stick R820T2
#174 opened by ON7TA - 0
Removing mikenye/adsb-to-influxdb from docs?
#175 opened by wandering-andy - 0
Pluto SDR Start Instructions
#111 opened by jdorny - 1
Include Aircraft Registration in InfluxDB export?
#115 opened by tejasitraj - 6
Web UI started showing a VersionError
#107 opened by menzo2003 - 10
USB-Claim 6
#88 opened by OA72280 - 3
Logs are filled with MLAT messages
#83 opened by courtarro - 6
Web UI map shows no planes
#82 opened by courtarro - 1
making readsbpb_rrd persistent
#55 opened by nick2k3 - 7
Any plans for Home Assistant Add-on?
#48 opened by MaxWinterstein - 1
- 1
Feature request: Healthcheck for dropped samples
#50 opened by 76rhodan - 6
Why is a specific gain chosen from autogain?
#31 opened by Drudoo - 4
[error] table plugin: Failed to open file "/sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp": No such file or directory.
#62 opened by fotomut - 4
Remote readsb?
#152 opened by FabioEight - 3
rtlsdr: no device matching '1090' found.
#161 opened by tiernano - 7
Synology Docker issue
#59 opened by mantis4 - 10
- 5
Can't work after autogain changed gain value
#100 opened by mrgreengreen - 2
Graphs - Disk IO - IOPS and Bandwidth not working when running off USB drive on Raspberry Pi
#36 opened by katchy3132 - 14
Telegraf timeouts
#52 opened by rpatel3001 - 4
- 3
- 5
telegraf error: Error in plugin: metric parse error: expected field at 72:31: "polar_range,bearing=71 range=..."
#64 opened by mboehn - 1
Positions far off in local view
#60 opened by dervogt - 10
Influxdb reconnection failures
#27 opened by visibilityspots - 0
Docker Container is not starting properly
#57 opened by wir43 - 2
Feature Request: Prometheus
#30 opened by JRascagneres - 2
Missing port number 30003, adsbhub can't connect
#42 opened by theyosh - 3
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- 3
Feature request / usage clarification: Remote SDR
#37 opened by BayerSe - 2
- 1
readsb error on docker-compose up -d
#29 opened by puh2oskier