MyRental Express Server

Starting The Service

First you will need to install Docker. After Docker is installed you will need to start docker.

sudo service docker start
sudo docker -d

Before you can start the service you will need the google maps API key. Shane will have the api key. You will need to create a file called configKeys.json under myRental directory.

Now you just need to run the start script to build and run the docker containers from the scripts directory.

cd scripts

Changing The Database

The database is created with Knex. Here is a guide.

To apply migrations run

knex migrate:latest

To roll back the migrations

knex migrate:rollback

To create a migration

knex migrate:make setup


For testing there is a docker-compose file for local code and one for the master branch on the repo.

To run local code.

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.local.yml up

To run repo tests

docker-compose -f docker-compose.test.repo.yml up

to run tests without docker

npm test