
A VR game where the player must shoot cannon balls at giant zombies to save the IITR Main Building


IITRSEU is an Oculus Touch(designed to work on both HTC Vive and Oculus Touch) based game developed on Unreal Engine 4 where the player must shoot cannon balls at giant zombies to save the IITR Main Building


This game is currently in Early Access

How to get this game?

A working build is coming soon. Until then you can set the game up in Unreal Engine 4. Download Unreal Engine 4 from https://www.unrealengine.com/. Now continue to the How do I set this up section below

How do I set this up?

In Unreal Engine 4(Windows):

  1. Set up your Oculus VR system with Oculus Touch controllers. More information here https://support.oculus.com/guides/rift/latest/concepts/rgsg-2-hw-hardware-setup/
  2. Clone this repo using Git Bash
$ git clone https://github.com/sdslabs/IITR-Shoot-Em-Up/
  1. Navigate to 'IITRSEU.uproject'
  2. Right click > Select 'Generate Visual Studio Project Files'
  3. Open 'IITRSEU.uproject'
  4. After Unreal loads itself up, make sure your SteamVR is up and running and is able to detect your Oculus set up. Look up https://www.oculus.com/ for troubleshooting
  5. Select 'Play in VR headset' from the Play drop down and enjoy!


Developed by SDSLabs