
Primary LanguageJavaScript



Kindly follow the following steps to setup

  1. Clone the repository.
git clone git@github.com:sdslabs/odyssey.git
  1. Change directory to frontend in odyssey
cd odyssey/frontend/
  1. Create a file .env.local if not present and write the following things in it
NEXTAUTH_URL=Your GitHub OAuth callback url
GITHUB_ID= Your GitHub OAuth Id
GITHUB_SECRET=Your GitHub OAuth Secret
  1. Next, change the directory to odyssey/ and run the following command to enter python's virtual environment.
source bin/activate
  1. Change directory to backend/ and install the requirements using pip install.
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Next, run the following commands,
python manage.py makemigrations
python manage.py migrate odyssey
python manage.py migrate
python manage.py createsuperuser
  1. Then create a superuser by filling the required details (username, email, password).

  2. Start the server.

python manage.py runserver
  1. Go to localhost:8000/admin on a browser.

  2. Click on Social applications (in the bottom left). Click on add in front of it.

Select provider as GitHub
Fill any name of your choice
Add Client id (same as added in .env.local in step 3)
Add Secret key (same as added in .env.local in step 3)
  1. Then click on example.com and click on the right shift arrow, this will be changed during production. Save and exit.

  2. Change directory to odyssey/frontend and run,

npm i && npm run dev
  1. Go to localhost:3000 in a browser.