
RTek Game Engine

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

RTek Game Engine Build status

Experimental game engine.

Building the project

Platform: Windows

Note: The commands that follow assume you are working in Cygwin.

Visual Studio solution:

cmake -S. -B./build -G"Visual Studio 16 2019"

The solution is present in the build folder.

To make a compilation database (compile_commands.json) for external tools:

cmake -S. -B./build -G"NMake Makefiles" -DCMAKE_EXPORT_COMPILE_COMMANDS=ON

Only the configure step is required to make the compilation database. For ease of integration, make a symlink to it in the root of the project:

ln -s ./build/compile_commands.json compile_commands.json

Dependency Installation

Note: Dependency installation is not necessary. However, it will result in dependencies being downloaded each time the build directory is blown away.

Warning: Changes to dependency configurations will require a deletion of the installed dependency and a rebuild.

To avoid having dependencies re-downloaded when the build directory is deleted, dependencies can be installed through cmake.

# Configure cmake with generator of choice, for example:
cmake -S. -B./build -G"Visual Studio 16 2019"

# Build
cmake --build build

# Install dependencies
cmake --install build

By default this installs them to a _deps in the root of the repository.

Next time cmake configuration is done, the packages will be picked up from the _deps location. Very helpful if you need to blow away build or when a file is added/removed from the project.

Feature Toggles

These are done through preprocessor defines and/or cmake options.

See CMakeLists.txt options for the available feature toggles.


  • RK_ASSERTIONS_ENABLED: If present, enable assertions. Otherwise they are compiled out. Note, critical assertions are always enabled.


  • RK_LOG_LEVEL: Log level compiled into the application. One of RK_LOG_LEVEL_{OFF, TRACE, DEBUG, INFO, WARN, ERROR, CRITICAL}. Levels listed in order of least to most precendence. Levels of equals or less precedence are removed.
  • RK_LOGGING_OFF: Remove all logging. Takes precedence over RK_LOG_LEVEL.
  • RK_LOGGING_PERF: Compile in minimal logging (for performance). Takes precedence over RK_LOG_LEVEL.


  • RK_OGL_DEBUG: Display debug messages from OpenGL, including errors.
  • RK_SHADER_BASE_DIR: Directory containing all the shaders. Prepended to the path of the shader being opened.
  • RK_REQUEST_HIGH_PERF_RENDERER: Ask for a high performance renderer. For systems with an iGPU and dGPU, this typically means the dGPU.

Coding Conventions

Engine macros are prefixed with RK_. Engine internal macros that should not be used are prefixed with RK_I_.


All internal representation of strings and text output are UTF-8. The engine is unicode only and does not support ANSI strings. It follows the principles of UTF-8 everywhere.

NOTE: UTF-8 is backwards compatible with ASCII1. Therefore searching for ASCII characters/strings in UTF-8 strings is a valid.

Programming guidelines:

  • std::string and char* variables are considered UTF-8, anywhere in the program.
  • Use what's available in platform/stdlib/* over those in the standard library. These functions take UTF-8 strings.2
  • Do not use wchar_t or std::wstring in any place other than adjacent point to APIs accepting UTF-16.
  • Do not use L"" literals in any place other than parameters to APIs accepting UTF-16.
  • Windows:
    • Do not use types, functions, or their derivatives that are sensitive to the UNICODE constant, such as LPTSTR, CreateWindow() or the _T() macro. Instead, use LPWSTR, CreateWindowW(), and explicit L"" literals.
    • UNICODE and _UNICODE are always defined to avoid passing narrow UTF-8 strings to ANSI WinAPI getting silently compiled.
    • Only use Win32 functions that accept widechars (LPWSTR), never those which accept LPTSTR or LPSTR. Pass parameters this way:
      std::array<wchar_t, MAX_PATH> wpath;
      if (!unicode::widen(wpath.data(), wpath.size(), some_string)) {
          return Status::unicode_error;
      • Output from windows API functions require unicode::narrow to re-encode to UTF-8 for use internally.

Working with files, filenames, and fstreams:

  • Always produce text output files in UTF-8.
  • Use what's available in platform/stdlib/* over those in the standard library. These functions take UTF-8 strings.2


  1. ASCII is not Extended ASCII! ASCII encodes characters from 0-127.

  2. Windows does not make their standard library implementation UTF-8 aware (iostream, fstream, ...). Using the ones provided allows for proper UTF-8 handling across platforms. 2