
An app that helps you select the perfect gift for those times you just don’t know what to get someone. Giftr helps you select the perfect gift by retrieving the products that best align with your recipient’s hobbies and interests from listings on Etsy.

Tech Stack: SQL, Express, React, Node

Project Map:

Techtonica Project Outline:

App Setup:

  1. Clone this repo to your desktop.

    cd desktop then git clone

  2. Go into the folder and install the dependencies.

    cd final-react-project npm install

  3. Create an .env file and add your API key to it.

    (Request your own key here:


  4. After setting up your database, run

    npm run dev

MySQL Database Setup:

  1. Download Sequel Pro (

  2. Open Sequel Pro and enter the following to establish a connection:

    Host: Username: root

  3. Create a database named Giftr with the tables Products, Purchases, Recipients, Users.

  • In Products add the columns title, description, purchase_id
  • In Purchases add the columns product_id, user_id, recipient_id
  • In Recipients add the columns email, firstName, lastName
  • In Users add the columns firstName, lastName, email

Current Features:

  • Display dummy data from databases on localhost:4000/products
  • Display landing page on localhost:3000
  • Display redirect page on localhost:4000
  • Type text in search

Later Features:

  • User Sign in/Sign up
  • Search retreives Etsy API data
  • Display 3 optimal gift selections
  • Purchase history page