Glasgow Thesis Template for LaTeX.

Stephen D. Strowes, 2011.

This template is built to follow the style guidelines presented in:

The example document should build correctly by running 'make'.

The University guidelines are loose in places. Primarily:

* The front-matter description provided by the University is
  threadbare, and implies a lot of leeway. I do not include a
  University crest, as one is not required. The front page is much
  cleaner if it's text-only.

* The dissertation style is not specified. I use the IEEE transactions
  style mainly because I like it, but it's entirely choice.

Beyond that, I have tried to stick to what is specified. In
particular, font sizes, page borders. I stick to the font requirements
for chapter & section headings, much as I'd like to change
them. Two-sided printing is supported, by changing the "oneside"
parameter to "twoside" in header.tex.

The files are as follows:

* dissertation.tex, which includes:
  - header.tex, which includes:
    + glasgowthesis.cls
    + abstract.tex
    + acknowledgements.tex

  - 10-introduction/introduction.tex
    + 10-introduction/thesis_statement.tex

  - AA-appendix/appendix.tex

  - footer.tex

There's some stuff in the template that is not strictly necessary to
build according to the University guidelines (such as the
TLSind/TLSdel definitions used by texdiff; see for why.)

There will be bugs, there will be errors. Please feed them back!