This repository contains the list of videos which I learnt as a part of Google India Challenge Scholarship Android Developer Intermediate Track.
- Welcome! Important details on your Scholarship.
- Create Project Sunshine.
- Connect to the Internet.
- RecyclerView..
- Intents.
- Lifecycle.
- Preferences.
- Storing Data in SQLite.
- Content Providers.
- Building a Content Provider.
- Background Tasks.
- Completing the UI.
- Polishing the UI.
- Challenge Course Wrap Up.
- Introduction
- Are you ready? Image/Markdown
- Introducing Project Sunshine
- A Brief Intro to Android Studio Image/Markdown
- Coding, GitHub and Flow. Extras
- Creating our First Project
Documentation Reference : (
- Android Min and Target Versions
- Setting Min and Target Image/Markdown
- Running Your Code. Extras
- Android Software Stack. Extras
- Activities, Packages, and Layouts
At 3:27, Dan accidentally refers to
. He meant "underscore," not "dot," and is sorry for the confusion. - Android Layouts Primer Image/Markdown
- Visual Layout Editor
- Handling Different Screen
- Responsive Design
- Layout Managers
- Recap
- Introduction
- Logging
- Internet Toy App Intro. Extras
- Resources Image/Markdown
- On Menus
- Fetching an HTTP Request
See this post on StackOverflow for a good discussion on different methods of doing this. Also, if you want more information on the okhttp, you can find it here.
- Permissions
See here for a list of all permissions your app may need.
- Thread Basics
At 1:35, the slide should read, "Run the network task on a secondary execution thread"
- AsyncTask
- JSON Format
- Refresh Bad!!!
- Recap
- Introduction
- Why RecyclerView?
- How RecyclerView Works
- Using RecyclerView
- Why ViewHolders?
- Visualizing ViewHolders. Extras
- Creating RecyclerView Layout
- Items and ViewHolders
See for more information on supporting multiple screens in Android.
- RecyclerView and Adapters
- Creating an Adapter
- RecyclerView Layout Manager
- Wiring Up RecyclerView
- Visualizing Recycling
- Responding to Item Clicks
- Recap
- Introduction
- Sunshine App UX Mocks
- Intents Framework
- Explicit Intent Toy App
- Creating an Activity
- Creating an Intent
- Passing Data Between Activities
- What are Implicit Intents?
- Creating Implicit Intents
Visit this link to learn about common intents:
- Understanding URIs
- Creating a Map Intent
- Sharing is Caring!
- Media Types
- Implementing a Share Intent
- Recap
- Introduction
- Why We Need an Activity Lifecycle
- Android Activity Lifecycle
- Reto on the Android Activity Lifecycle
- Why does this Happen?
- Save and Restore Instance State
- App Termination
- Preparing for Termination
- Persisting Data With an Old Friend
- AsyncTask and Loaders
- Leveraging Loaders
- Caching with Loaders
- Conclusion