
This repository contains the list of videos which I learnt as a part of Google India Challenge Scholarship Android Developer Intermediate Track

Google India Challenge Scholarship

This repository contains the list of videos which I learnt as a part of Google India Challenge Scholarship Android Developer Intermediate Track.

Contents of this course.

  1. Welcome! Important details on your Scholarship.
  2. Create Project Sunshine.
  3. Connect to the Internet.
  4. RecyclerView..
  5. Intents.
  6. Lifecycle.
  7. Preferences.
  8. Storing Data in SQLite.
  9. Content Providers.
  10. Building a Content Provider.
  11. Background Tasks.
  12. Completing the UI.
  13. Polishing the UI.
  14. Challenge Course Wrap Up.

Welcome! Important details on your Scholarship.

  1. Scholarship Overview

Create Project Sunshine.

  1. Introduction
  2. Are you ready? Image/Markdown
  3. Introducing Project Sunshine
  4. A Brief Intro to Android Studio Image/Markdown
  5. Coding, GitHub and Flow. Extras
  6. Creating our First Project

    Documentation Reference : (http://developer.android.com/guide/topics/manifest/manifest-element.html)

  7. Android Min and Target Versions
  8. Setting Min and Target Image/Markdown
  9. Running Your Code. Extras
  10. Android Software Stack. Extras
  11. Activities, Packages, and Layouts

    At 3:27, Dan accidentally refers to R.layout.activity_main as R.layout.activity.main. He meant "underscore," not "dot," and is sorry for the confusion.

  12. Android Layouts Primer Image/Markdown
  13. Visual Layout Editor

    Constraint Layout codelab

  14. Handling Different Screen
  15. Responsive Design
  16. Layout Managers
  17. Recap

Connect to the Internet.

  1. Introduction
  2. Logging

    Documentation for Logging

  3. Internet Toy App Intro. Extras
  4. Resources Image/Markdown
  5. On Menus
  6. Fetching an HTTP Request

    See this post on StackOverflow for a good discussion on different methods of doing this. Also, if you want more information on the okhttp, you can find it here.

  7. Permissions

    See here for a list of all permissions your app may need.

  8. Thread Basics

    At 1:35, the slide should read, "Run the network task on a secondary execution thread"

  9. AsyncTask
  10. JSON Format
  11. Refresh Bad!!!
  12. Recap


  1. Introduction
  2. Why RecyclerView?
  3. How RecyclerView Works
  4. Using RecyclerView
  5. Why ViewHolders?
  6. Visualizing ViewHolders. Extras
  7. Creating RecyclerView Layout
  8. Items and ViewHolders

    See https://developer.android.com/guide/practices/screens_support.html for more information on supporting multiple screens in Android.

  9. RecyclerView and Adapters
  10. Creating an Adapter
  11. RecyclerView Layout Manager
  12. Wiring Up RecyclerView
  13. Visualizing Recycling
  14. Responding to Item Clicks
  15. Recap


  1. Introduction
  2. Sunshine App UX Mocks
  3. Intents Framework
  4. Explicit Intent Toy App
  5. Creating an Activity
  6. Creating an Intent
  7. Passing Data Between Activities
  8. What are Implicit Intents?
  9. Creating Implicit Intents

    Visit this link to learn about common intents: https://developer.android.com/guide/components/intents-common.html

  10. Understanding URIs
  11. Creating a Map Intent
  12. Sharing is Caring!
  13. Media Types
  14. Implementing a Share Intent
  15. Recap


  1. Introduction
  2. Why We Need an Activity Lifecycle
  3. Android Activity Lifecycle
  4. Reto on the Android Activity Lifecycle
  5. Why does this Happen?
  6. Save and Restore Instance State
  7. App Termination
  8. Preparing for Termination
  9. Persisting Data With an Old Friend
  10. AsyncTask and Loaders
  11. Leveraging Loaders
  12. Caching with Loaders
  13. Conclusion