Abuse IP Checker

This script checks IP addresses or domain names against the AbuseIPDB API to retrieve information about potential abuse reports. The script can take a single IP address, a single domain name, or a file containing multiple IP addresses or domain names.


Create an account and request an API key on the AbuseIPDB website. It is free if you have under 1000 requests per month.


  • Python 3.x
  • click library
  • requests library


  1. Clone the repository or download the script.
  2. Install the required Python libraries using pip:
    $ pip install requests click
  3. Replace YOUR_API_KEY with your actual AbuseIPDB API key in the script.


Command Line Options

  • --ip: Specifies a single IP address to check.
  • --domain or -d: Specifies a single domain name to check.
  • --filename or -f: Specifies a file containing IP addresses or domain names to check. Each IP address or domain name should be on a new line.


Check a Single IP Address

To check a single IP address:

$ python solution.py --ip

Check a Single Domain Name

To check a single domain name:

$ python solution.py --domain example.com

Check IP Addresses or Domain Names from a File

To check IP addresses or domain names from a file:

$ python solution.py --filename ips_or_domains.txt

File Format

The file specified with the --filename option should contain one IP address or domain name per line, for example:


The script outputs the following information for each IP address checked:

  • IP Address
  • Abuse Confidence Score
  • Total Reports
  • Recent Reports (if available)
  • ISP
  • Usage Type
  • Domain Name
  • Country
  • City

Error Handling

If the script encounters an error (e.g., unable to resolve a domain name or issues with the AbuseIPDB API), it will print an appropriate error message.

Example Output

$ python solution.py --ip
Checking IP:
IP Address:
Abuse Confidence Score: 0
Total Reports: 0
No recent reports found.
ISP: Google LLC
Usage Type: Data Center/Web Hosting/Transit
Domain Name: google.com
Country: United States
City: Mountain View
$ python solution.py --ip
Checking IP:
IP Address:
Is White Listed: N/A
Last Reported At: 2024-04-22T16:35:57+00:00
Abuse Confidence Score: 57
Total Reports: 79
Reports for IP Address:
Reported At: 2024-04-22T16:35:57+00:00
Comment: Credential brute-force attacks on webpage logins
Categories: [18]
Reporter ID: 144976
Reporter Country: DE
Reported At: 2024-04-20T14:02:16+00:00
Comment: Multiple WP scan detected from same source ip.-111
Categories: [18]
Reporter ID: 102992
Reporter Country: ID
Reported At: 2024-04-12T03:49:56+00:00
Comment: Events: TCP SYN Discovery or Flooding, Seen 4 times in the last 10800 seconds
Categories: [4]
Reporter ID: 131395
Reporter Country: BR
Reported At: 2024-04-02T08:11:09+00:00
Comment: GET /vendor/
Categories: [21]
Reporter ID: 60763
Reporter Country: FR
Reported At: 2024-03-29T12:45:26+00:00
Comment: (cpanel) Failed cPanel login from (TH/Thailand/-): 1 in the last 3600 secs
Categories: [18, 21]
Reporter ID: 55388
Reporter Country: MY
Reported At: 2024-03-27T09:07:00+00:00
Comment: Unauthorized login attempts [ pure-ftpd-constant, sshd, pure-ftpd]
Categories: [5, 18, 22]
Reporter ID: 31143
Reporter Country: ES


This project is licensed under the MIT License. """