
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

LeetCode Scraper

The leetcode-scraper is a Python project for extracting problem data from LeetCode, storing it in a SQLite database, and performing analytics on the collected data. It is designed to parse HTML page where all problems are listed for a particular company. Then extract relevant problem details, and provide tools for analysis and insights into problems based on various metrics such as difficulty and frequency.

Project Structure

The project is divided into five main Python files, each with a specific role:

  • Constants.py: This file contains the constants used throughout the code, such as URLs, database paths, and any other fixed values.
  • Database.py: Manages database connections, the creation of tables, and the insertion and retrieval of ProblemEntry instances from the database.
  • ProblemEntry.py: Defines the ProblemEntry class that represents a LeetCode problem with attributes like title, URL link, tags, acceptance, difficulty, and frequency.
  • parse.py: Provides functionality to parse a given HTML file using BeautifulSoup and extract problem data into ProblemEntry instances.
  • analyze.py: Contains functions and logic for analyzing the problem data, such as calculating the most frequent tags or selecting random problems for further study.


  • HTML table parsing with BeautifulSoup
  • Data manipulation and storage using SQLite
  • Object-oriented approach for handling problem entries
  • Analysis tools for aggregated data insights


To use this project:

  1. Ensure you have Python3 installed on your machine.
  2. Install the required packages: beautifulsoup4 and sqlite3.
  3. Run parse.py to parse an HTML file and extract problem data and save to SQLite DB
  4. Execute analyze.py for extracting the problems and data analysis tasks on those problems.

Please refer to the individual Python files for more detailed usage instructions and documentation of functions.


  • Python 3.x
  • beautifulsoup4
  • sqlite3 (included in the standard Python library)

To install the necessary third-party packages, you can use:

pip install beautifulsoup4


Contributions to the leetcode-scraper are welcome. Please ensure you adhere to the following guidelines:

  • Follow the existing coding style.
  • Write clear, concise commit messages.
  • Make sure your code has been thoroughly tested.
  • Open a pull request with a detailed description of your changes.


This project is open-sourced under the MIT License.

For more information, questions, or feedback, feel free to open an issue.